Well, this proves it...

Mar 12, 2009 18:58

Score: 92

I am a hippie!
Far out!

Take the elitemrp.net "Are you a Hippie?" Test

Your result for The what kind of hippie are you Test...


Congratulations! You're a Neopagan. Well, maybe you're not precisely a pagan, but you have a deep love for primitive nature, and a strong sense of the spiritual. You feel the beauty of the wild around you and feel choked in the city.

The hippie world needs you, because you bring together the beauty of the wild and the magic of the heart.

If you believe that opposites attract, you probably find yourself around Ravers. If you are more inclined to enjoy the company of those with similar attitudes, then other Neopagans, as well as the Faerie-child, Treehugger, and Full-blown Hippie are for you.

The other categories are Alternate/a>, Mystic, Feral and of course, the Non-hippie

Take The what kind of hippie are you Test
at HelloQuizzy

I'm not so sure I agree with this one....

You Scored as Pothead

Your're not really a hippie... you just like your ganja. And that's fine - as long as you don't get in legal trouble too many times.





New Age Hippie


Not a Hippie


One Intelectual Individual


Original Hippie

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