Jan 04, 2006 18:41
i feel as though there has been some sort of a divine intervention into my life that makes every task about a thousand times more difficult than it should be.
i've just been on my second wild goose chase of the week, the first having been yesterday. you see, i vowed that i would not leave my bicycle unattended in savannah until i got it registered with the police. so i called ahead and they said to go to precinct 2. well, of course, i only know of one precinct in the area, which is the one on habersham. so i ride there. and the lady says (rather rudely, i might add) that she said to go to precinct 2. "oh, you mean that's not this one? well where is precinct 2?"
she sends me to lathrop and bay, which is all the way in the ass crack of nowhere. so, of course, i ride all the way across town, past the project housing, and over a bridge until i get to lathrop and bay. anyone want to guess what they told me when i got there?
anyway i finally got my bike registered through scad campus security, which is where the police were doing bike registration for the time being. but i about cried when they told me i couldn't do it; i was already sweaty and tired and still had to go to class.
but on the plus side, parker's has started selling jones soda.