As green eyes followed her Maggie pulled a chair to the bedside. She sat down slowly and looked over at the woman on the bed. Her delicate features weremore apparent now that the mop of long hair was no longer in her face. Curiousity bit hard.
"What's your name?"
"Grace. I'm Grace Borman."
"What the hell station let you grow that crop of hair of yours? Can't imagine it was any fun to untangle from the ev suit filters every drill cycle."
"EV suit?"
Maggie frowned and planting her elbows on her knees, she leaned forward. "Where are you from?"
"I was born in the L-7 and transported to Southeastern New Jersey population center after I tested high on the Developmental Potential Comprehensive at age three. What's your name?" Grace was aided by Doc as she swung to sit up at the edge of the bed facing the Captain.
Maggie frowned and looked up at the scientist. "Doc, I got about three words out of that."
Doc smiled at their guest. "You're from Earth."
"No way." Maggie stood up and shook her finger. "Nothing lives on Earth."
"Something apparently does." Doc patted Grace's shoulder. "We have living proof."
"Proof nothing."
"Look at her hair Maggie and tell me. Even dirt scratchers don't grow their hair. It would clog air scrubbers and suit filters. There is only one place where it would never be an issue. The Mother lives."
Maggie paced back and forth. Grace watched her with a creased brow. Doc walked over to the agitated brunette. "Maggie, let her tell us why they want her dead. We'll argue over the state of Earth later."
Grace folded her hands in her lap and stared down at them. "I think its the same story," she replied quietly.
Maggie crossed her arms and looked from Doc to Grace and back with a frown. "Oh, I cant wait to hear this."