post a secret

Jul 19, 2006 22:24

"Nothing makes us so lonely as our secrets."
Post a secret.

A funny one, a serious one, a happy one, a sad one, a family recipe...anything. Comment as many times as you'd like, with as many secrets as you'd like, just so long as you do it anonymously. It's nice to know you're not alone. I'll contribute too, and I'll put links elsewhere so that those who don't have LiveJournal and those who aren't my friends can contribute. It's a good way to release a secret. IPs are not being logged and there is no way that it can be traced back to you. I'm keeping links for this open everywhere forever, so that anyone can come back here and re-read secrets to feel better, or post a new one that they need to get off their chest.

DO NOT PROMOTE OR ASK TO BE ADDED HERE. You will be spammed. Go back one to do that. Thanks.
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