Train people amaze me. In particular how they can tesselate themselves into spaces in front of me that never existed.
Oxford station is officially stupid. Platform one (main entrance and exit and trains to London) is the busiest, yet it has a narrow platform with seating along the middle. During busy times it is impossible to get along the platform to the other end (including to the lift and stairs to other platforms). All the big FGW trains have 3 1st class carriages (95% empty naturally) which are often but not always at the front, meaning that you have to fight your way to the other end of the platform to get on the train. They have a habit of waiting until the platform gets really busy then announcing that 1st class is at the front and plebs have to move down the platform, 30 seconds before the train arrives, then shouting at people who go over the yellow line! We don't have any choice!
I also get irrascable when the ticket man insists on putting his magic ticket through the (wide luggage) gate rather than letting me put mine through, especially when my train is already at the platform. I missed a train that way last week!
Rant over, nice weekend update soon!
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