//engage firewall
Robin Wood has contacted me with a most interesting suggestion. Poor Mr. Wood. He must have had this wonderful idea festering in his head for days now, only to find that getting in touch with his benefactor is...somewhat difficult these days.
However, I'm not sure what he has in mind is feasible.
He wanted to know about
Angelus. More specifically, he wanted to know more about the Gypsy curse that afflicted Angelus, restoring his soul and eventually leading to the thorn in our sides today.
I believe he wants to apply the same curse to our friend
I must admit, it's a masterstroke I didn't think of. Kudos once again to Mr. Wood for proving his adaptability. After all, why force a conflict with
the Slayer to kill the vampire if the vampire is willing to end its own life?
However, after conferring with
the Senior Partners on the matter, I'm afraid his plan cannot go forward. The Senior Partners are...understandably skittish, shall we say...when it comes to matters involving ensouled vampires. I've been given strict instructions not to provide Mr. Wood with the knowledge to cast the curse.
And here at Wolfram and Hart, one learns to follow strict instructions from the Senior Partners.
On the other hand, one does not become a successful barrister by reading things in black and white. Shades of gray exist with every situation. One must improvise, adapt, and overcome any obstacles.
If Mr. Wood wishes to torment William with the remorse a soul would bring him, I see no reason why that shouldn't proceed apace.
However, I will have to be very careful as to how I conduct my affairs. The Senior Partners have not yet been made aware of
Lord Moloch's recent resurgence, nor are they aware of my dealings with the Corrupter. Certain things must be in place before his presence is announced, lest feathers get ruffled. And I would not want to be caught in a crossfire.
//end entry