Nerds for hire

Oct 03, 2008 18:01

This is more of a HUGE overview from the campaign i just finished up. I'll post it in parts, but feel free to ask for clarification as I've left out vast chucks of character development and little fun bits because we played this for like, 8 or so months (Maybe? Less. Must be less, but not much.)

The crew:
Math - Undertaker with a religious upbringing. Father is a local priest who disapproves of his occupation.
Baron Simon Westmore - A wealthy baron who runs a clinic on the border to the east end for all who have ailments.
Doctor Joan Watson - An even wealthier doctor who runs the Westmore clinic. Tends to dabbles in the occasional tesla experimental weapon research\construction.
Ariel Triton - Undertaker who has a past he cannot recall. His girlfriend’s cousin thinks he’s a blight that brings nothing but death and looks to make his life harder.
Holly Young - Mourner with aspirations of being rich and privileged.

The stage was set with the group being told that the anarchists are blowing up hospitals and clinics that cater to the rich. Being open to both the rich and the poor, the Baron thinks his clinic is rather safe, but being a slight paranoid, the doctor has employed a team of a partner of undertakers.

The story opens with the rather rich Sternston Family seeking out a “discrete” group for ridding them of a feral vampire that has made off with one of their sons. What they don’t tell the group is that the vampire that took him was brought to their house in the west end BY them to kill their son so that when he dies and is looked at by a doctor, the bite marks don’t look too out of place. Mostly because Peter has been secretly addicted to vampire hookers and his parents are mortified. Besides, they’ve got too other sons to carry on their legacy and a weird sixteen year old daughter as well.

After arranging for a mourner to accompany them just in case the worst has happened, the group is formed and sets off to the Sternston holdhold!
The group arrives and takes out the vampire that the Sternston’s have trapped in their expansive backyard. It nearly kills on of the undertakers, but the doctor dispatches it with a quick pistol round to the head. Peter is dead and dangling from a tree from which the doctor drags him down and notes the extensive bite marks. The group figure that he had been stalked by a vampire for months, but don’t mention it to his parents to save them some face. Dinner is served.
The group meet the rest of the family: Aaron is aloof, engrossed in the sciences, keeps slipping out at odd hours, and easily embarrassed/Bethany is a bizarre sweet girl with a severe medical condition that the group never find out about (Secretly not a daughter at all but an aunt that was horribly burnt and had tons of chemicals and surgery to look normal, but a weird combination of masque overdose and other things turned her into a vastly imperfect thrope. She comes off as very sweet and takes an immediate shine to the undertaker nursing a head wound from the vampire encounter. Thomas is a pillar of bravado and clearly the favourite son, but upon his departure the Elder Sternstons ask for the group’s aid once more.

Thomas has been sneaking around and has no excuse to be out for days on end (unlike his brother who is engrossed in the sciences). His parents are curious and want to know what is going on with him. The group accept and the Mourner follows him to the east end after having his brother rise as a vampire and cutting his head off.

Everyone else remains busy with personal affairs like shoving off the street urchin that loiters out in front of the Westmore clinic making outlandish claims that the doctor is creating a bunch of animates of whatever his penny dreadful is on about this time, treating wounds and making an electric stun gun, or just being rich. Thomas is tracked to a grungy side of the east end to a small shack with rickety walls and greasy windows. The group gathers and eventually knocks when Thomas is within. They discover that Thomas has a lady friend from the east end and they both claim to be virtuously in love with each other! Everyone but Holly is so touched that they swear they won’t tell his parents who would undoubtedly disapprove. Thomas eventually leaves and his girlfriend Gloria tells them that she’s pregnant and Thomas is very happy about it. EVERYONE suspects foul play. They march off an corner Doctor Vega who gave the diagnosis. Turns out he’s a shitty doctor who inherited the practice from his father without any training at all. Thomas and Gloria are sad, but the group still thinks that Gloria’s just in it for the cash. Holy says she’ll tell Thomas’s parents unless he does it first. Angrily, he agrees and does so.

After kicking Thomas out of the house and cutting him off financially, The Sternstons ask Holly to accompany one of their staff to Gloria’s shed with baskets of food. After all, he’s still family and he’ll grow out of it eventually. It’s a phase.
After a few days, Gloria and Thomas stop answering the door and are no where to be found. The upstairs neighbor tells holly and the group that he heard a female scream the night prior, but that’s fairly usual in the east end. A quick search of the house reveals that there are some possessions left behind so they decide to stake out the house.

Late the next night, the door creaks open and in steps a run-down, stain of an undertaker with a decrepit looking rubber gas-mask. Both Doctor Watson and Undertaker Math recognize him from their experience with the deathwatch as a scumbag known as Rathworth who nearly got their whole squad killed with his reckless actions that caused him to lose his undertaker license.

Holly puts her exculpus to his neck and is greeted with a grin. Holly notes that under his armoured overcoat he has a brace of weapons which include more than one custom Mourner exculpus showing his prowess over previous attempts on his life. When questioned, Rathworth says that Gloria and Thomas are alright, but they want privacy. He also tells them that he saw a girl who had been infected down the road and any minute there’s going to be an animate outbreak followed by a deathwatch quarantine. The only safe way out is to stay inside for days and hope they don’t shoot you on sight, or follow him to a smuggler route that leads out of the section. The only catch is, they cannot follow him once he leads them out. Again, everyone agrees but Holly. She needs to know where Thomas is to impress the Sternstons and won’t give up on him. Rathworth just laughs and begins to lead the way.

Hearing the alarm ring out and the screams of innocent people being devoured by a growing ravenous horde only makes them keep the pace up. What the group never knows is that Rathworth knew the house was being staked out, so he led the animates through the sewer to cover his escape after picking up things for Gloria.

After dodging deathwatch patrols and spotlights and seeing the shadows of animates on the high walls of the east end enclosure, the team make it to a broken in sewer pipe. Rathworth claims that they must go through, but most of the team are from the west end where things like trudging through sewage are just not done. With some convincing and gun waving, they take the plunge. On the other side lies a street that the sound of tesla weapons being discharged can be heard and their bright blue flashes can be seen as well. The other side of the street a small shack can be seen built on the side of the wall alongside of many other hovels. Rathworth tells the group that inside is a small opening in the wall that can be crawled through to the adjacent sector of the east side. Undertaker Triton goes across the streets first after making sure it is clear and discovers the hole. He realizes that he must lift the others to grab it as it is too tall for one person to grab. Doctor Watson sneaks over and helps Triton into the small crawlspace to make sure it is clear. After a tight squeeze through the bricks and cement, Triton stumbles out of a covered up trinket cart in another section of the east end. The noise of the growing fight bellows over the thick wall he just crawled through, but he knows now that they will be safe here. Triton signals for the doctor to follow him through and stands watch. Math darts past a deathwatch patrol and joins the doctor to help her up.

While Math gives the doctor a boost, Rathworth looks at the two remaining and motions towards the shack. Holly glares and digs her heels in. She informs Rathworth that she thinks he’ll just run off as soon as they are across the street and they’ll never know what happened to Thomas. Rathworth just smiles behind his old mask. The Baron, noting that the doctor is through, makes a break for it. He’s had enough of slugging around in sewage to last a lifetime.

One last time, Rathwortth asks the mourner to go join her friends. When she refuses, out comes his customized rifle leveled at her chest. “Go.” He grins.
When Holly refuses to back down, Rathworth smiles and says, “May as well have some fun then” and takes off running towards the sounds of battle.

Math notices the running two and heads after them. After all, a mourner is no match for a skilled undertaker. After a long and merry chase through alleys, homes filled with cowering poor folk, and dodging gunfire from passing patrols, Math ends up losing them and heads back to the wall. Triton helps pulls him through while they try to hope holly is alright.

Hours later, the east end is safe again. If the outbreak had been worse, it may have taken days. The group returns after getting cleaned up and look for any sign of holly and the scumbag she chased after. Upon finding two dead Deathwatch patrolmen missing their uniforms and armour, they decide to look for a member of the organization that matches Holly’s description. Reports of her and another fellow heading southbound lead them to a church where they find a French speaking nun who tells them that Rathworth (Who she knows and doesn’t particularly like) and Holly came through and collected the head priest, Father Anders. Apparently, there’s a wedding in the winds. The group exchange an unpleasant look and track the priest’s carriage to the front gate of the city. The guards at the front inform them that they are not allowed out unless they happen to be part of a patrol, medical research team, or rich enough to bribe their way out. As luck has it, they are exactly one of those things.
After rounding up supplies, the group takes off in Doctor Watson’s carriage into the darkness of the wasteland. Most know that to do so is a death sentence and make their peace with whatever they believe in, contact loved ones, or simply state that they are to be buried with all their money.

To avoid the packs of wandering thropes that prowl the empty landscape, Triton tells the group to douse their lanterns and he’ll guide them by their night vision goggles. He knows Thropes can see the heat emanating from their bodies and it’s probably old superstition, but better safe than sorry. The going is slow, but they know they’re chasing an older carriage with an aging priest driving it in the dark, so hopes are high of catching up soon. Hopes prove correct when the lantern of a carriage is seen after several hours of journey. Suddenly, a shot rings out and one of the two horses rears up and keels over with blood pumping out of it’s throat. The carriage nearly topples, but the driver manages to get the remaining horse back under control quickly. Undertaker Math dives out of the carriage and runs across the barren landscape keeping himself hidden in the twisted brush and ignoring the twisting road that the other carriage is confined to. It is not long before the armed man is within shooting distance of the other carriage. Out comes his gas-powered stake-gun and he pops off a high-powered sharpened piece of wood at the others horse. With a sickening crunch, the horse drops dead and the carriage flips over spilling its occupants. Three shapes begins the arduous dash towards their unseen goal. Triton gives chase and catches up to the slow-moving priest with ease while the other two disappear into the night skyline.

The priest tells Triton and the rest of the group that he was paid (In fermented scop of course) to marry two people in the hometown of the bride which is up the road a slight bit further. He’s never been there, but the town of Rosewood is just up ahead and completely empty. He’s been told that it’s safe from animates for awhile, but doesn’t know how it was done (In reality, Rathworth kidnapped teenaged street urchins and let them loose on the outskirts and told them a different way back to civilization. Of course, in their running and screaming, they attracted the hordes of animates away from the town. After they were killed and eaten though, the animates will notice the town of Rosewood has inhabitants again and inevitably crawl back. Again, something else the players never found out about how much of a jerk Rathworth was).

After a much slower trek minus a horse, the group makes it to the seemingly quiet town of Rosewood. There’s not much here anymore; about nine or so houses is dilapidated conditions stand up along the main road that leads to a large Manor on a hill and a small church sits in the middle with a remarkable amount of candles glowing warmly in the windows. Puzzled at the quiet of it all, the groups prowl up to the front door and decide to do the heroically appropriate thing: Kick the damn thing is and shoot whatever is on the other side.

A quick smashing of wood reveals the terrible insides of the church and stops whatever cowboy-tactics the group had planned; Rathworth, having accepted the loss of the priest, now stands in front of the building facing them holding a tattered bible. As he pronounces, “…Man and wife! You may now kiss the bride…” Gloria, who stands before him in a ragged wedding dress leans towards the man she is now supposedly married to. Instead of the man they know as Thomas, a lumbering corpse of a man now takes his place! From the looks of it, Thomas has died a few days ago and has had his arms sawn off and then reattached to prevent the mauling of his new bride. thomas lurches forward in an attempt to chew the face of his blushing bride and to everyone’s disgust, Gloria accepts and goes in for a lingering kiss! Thomas’s teeth have apparently been knocked out with someone’s boot heels and he proceeds to glom ineffectively on Gloria’s mouth while she closes her eyes in pure joy. After all, regardless of how bizarre and disturbing it is, it is her wedding day. Holly sits on the furthest back pew taking it all in with horror and distain.

The groups ‘rescues’ Holly, and then Triton and Math swoop in to stop the insanity. However, the Doctor prepares her newest invention to fire and after a brief malfunction, Math and Gloria end up being electrically soothed into passing out violently with twitches and vomiting. Rathworth pulls out his rifle and takes a shot at Triton but it goes wild and punches a fist sized hole in the wall. Triton leaps on the podium after being shot at and slashes at Rathworth with his customized sword, but the villain manages to parry the blade with his gun. After seeing his prized weapon cut in two, Rathworth looks at the numbers of the group and takes to his escape plan. With a crash, he leaps out the window and scuttles off into the night. Triton sneers at the walking-corpse of Thomas and dispatches it with one clean slice across the throat. The head bounces off the rotting carpet and is retrieved for a later reward by the defense council.

After collecting themselves, the group begins to hear the tell-tale sign of an approaching animate horde: dragging feet, shuffling gaits, moans of the damned and the unbearable stench. The group tries to get back to their horse and carriage, but the driver is running towards them after leaving the horse to its grisly fate. The eyes of hundreds of animates can be seen reflecting the light from the candles of the church just past the border of the town. The safest place for them is the manor on the hill, but already some walking dead begin to cut them off.

More later!
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