Jul 05, 2005 21:18
The Giant ship that I lived and breathed.
I had already been on a 8 month deployment where we had been involved in major conflict I was sent to the USS Enterprise that was currently stationed out in the gulf. I would have to take a aircraft to the ship and land on it. That would be my introduction to the Enterprise. I sat in my seat cramped and hot the seat wiggled and the seat belt hurt. it must have been 120 in here cause I was soaked in sweat. The plane took off and we flew out over the ocean and to the ship. The ship approached the ship and we began to decend rapidly with sharp turns and falling. We turned one final turn and dipped really low and the plane plunged downward and then suddenly a sharp grab of my seat belt and i lunged forward and absorbed the crash. We had landed on the flight deck. I walked out feeling like someone famous in a movie. I saw 2 F -14 tomcats fighter jets engines turning and the heat was emince. My arm was burning then i heard this really loud blast and zooooooooooooooooooooooooommmmmmmmmmmm booommm and i look to the left and a jet launches off the deck. woh what a rush.