Apr 03, 2009 14:59
So overall the trip has gotten a lot better but today was shitty. We had class in the city and we walked (ridiculously fast). Class was class. Part of the museum that we had to go to was closed so we have to go back tomorrow. After that we went to the amusement park here in Vienna which I didn't even want to go to but it counted for class so I went. I ended up rolling my ankle and the group just walked ahead. The park was lame, like I thought it was going to be. I was crabby and Lindsey pointed out that I was being a downer so i just left. Dinner was poopy. It was goulash (which I got sick off of in Salzburg). The portions were really small and I was hungry after but I still had a stomach ache.
I'm just feeling super home sick and I'm not sure why. I miss my family! I want to go home and spend time with them. I missed Steph coming to WI and Emily is back home for her 16th birthday and I'm not there. I'm missing Jake's 17 birthday on sunday too. :-(
Maybe I'll just go to sleep now and hope a good night's rest will help.