Feb 24, 2005 19:38
so my right wrist hurts alot to day. It randomly hurts every once in a while when i guess over work it, and its been like this for maybe a year or so, so i was like hey mum my wrists hurts, and then told her how it hurts and where and she was like well sounds like you have tendenitisis(sp?). And i was like damn, not cool. And she said i'll most likely have to wear a support brace for it when i'm gonna be using it alot and that i'll have to do wrist exercises, and that if it gets really really bad i'll have to get cortizone shots, so basically i'll have to start taking care of it now so i dont have to get stupid shots. grrr. not cool. So yeah i guess i have to make an appointment with my doctor. this sucks... especially becuase of the feild i'll be working in, alot of cosmos get that as well as carpol-tunnel. uncool. I want to not hurt.