Jun 01, 2004 22:48
One more fucking day and i'll be done with high school. Thank god. I'm so happy and excited and giddy... and etc. Wow, i'm almost speachless. I think the only thing i will miss is all of you. But i'll still be around so it will all work out. I've made some really great friends this year as well as bettered my friendships with others, so i guess this is my little speech time thingy for my friends. Here is what i want all of you to know:( in no specific order)
Danielle/Ish/Jet/Ishypoo- Wow, you are so damn sweet, and we have been through so much together. I love ya so much, you are the best best friend a person can have. Never change for anyone, you are perfect the way you are. You make me completely speechless.
Kendra - My little sister. I care so much about you, and it hurts me to know that you have badness in your life. I would give up anything to make it all better. I know you will be great at whatever it is that you decide to do in life, because you are amazing.
Dilly - You are so great. We have more in common than i ever knew. You helped me make a big decision in my life and everyday that goes by, i thank you for helping me to make the right choice. And you are my other little sister, this i have decided because i care about you so much, just as i care about kendra. I will do my best to protect both of you.
Jenny- Wow is all i can really say. You are so bubbly and cute. I love you. You make me smile, and that my friend is good. And i will be your protector whenever you need me.
Alison - You are such a complex person and i love that about you. There is always something new i can learn about you. You so amazing and i hope that our friendship can develop more, because hey... i like you better than your brother. You are the better Chenoweth.
Rachel - Hmm... where do i begin. well for one its not a turning lane... but seriously, you are such a good person. We've had some really great talks while in your car. And you driving really isnt that bad. But yeah, i know sometimes we disagree on things but i respect you, and you should only change for yourself, and not for someone else.
Ok, so now for the guys....
Mikey - Well i've known you for quite a while, but we became really great friends this year. I love you like a brother. You are so damn funny. And i am truely glad to say that i know you will treat my ish right... and i f you dont... well i think you get the idea. But seriously all i have to say is wow.
Mason - You are completely crazy in a perfectly sane way. You are so damn great. wait... youre prime. But honestly, i'm so glad that i've gotten to know you. We better hang out more this summer or i'll have to be a jerk.
Alex - Oi. Enough said. No, but really you are a cool kid. It makes me really happy to know that you make Alison happy. And thanks for calling me up to hang out even though i assume alison is usually responsible for that. Oh and yes, thanks for the skateboard.
Silent J - Well i dont know you all that well, but you deserve some fucking recogenition. You're a cool cat. I hope i get to know you better over the summer. And hey you still owe me.
Jace - My little Jace, you are one of the sweetest guys i have even met. Wow, i dont think i could ever imagine you being an ass. I am confident that you will do something really great in life. DOnt let people change you becuase they so, form your own opinions and dont let others change them unless you agree with what they say. And remember i'm always here for you to talk to.
Donne - Ok, so yes you are last on my list. Honestly its because i have so much i can say about you. You are the best guy i know.plain and simple. there is no one that is better than you. You have been so great to me. Even after that awkward period, i've noticed that we have grown to be really close friends and i can honestly probably talk to you about anything. I am heart broken by the fact that we didnt really become friends til this year, and now i'm losing you. I am going to miss you so much. Thanks for being there for me so much this year. you're awesome.
Well i know i probablly left out a few people, and i 'm sorry but yeah. I love all of you with all of my heart and there is nothing i wouldn't do for you. You have all helped me in some way, so thank you for being so wonderful. I take pride in saying that i have never had as many great friends as i have this year. You all rock my socks.
Ok, sorry there is one other person i need to acknowledge.
Christina K, aka Fidget - I love you so much and it pains me every day to know that you are not here. You are my sister,in my heart. When you moved away i was ok, becuase i knew that you had a new chance to be happy and even after all of the shit that happened thats all i ever wanted for you. I wanted you to be happy. When i heard of your death, i was lost. I'm still lost. It hurts so much to know that all i'll ever have is my memories. I think of you everyday, and it hurts, but i guess that shows you how much you meant to me and how much you impacted my life. The hardest thing for me at tmoment is going through this whole grad thing with out you, knowing that you are missing it and that you will never get to do it. I thought of you at prom, and how when we went to that dance freshman year and they played some crapy song,so you, ish, and i crouched down on the floor with our fingers in our ears saying "lalala". That was so much fun. It's so hard for me to continue on each day without knowing whether or not you are happy. I hope you are. And i'm trying to be happy. Luckily i have so many great friends who do their best to do just that. Thank you for being a part of my life. I'll do my best to carry you with me though out my life.