Sorry guys for being so bad about not updating even though lots of stuff is going on, it seems I got my normal winter blues without any of the normal signs of winter being present (like snow, or even a sharp breeze). Starting to get more social now though, but I'm also not impressed with the winter weight I've put on, so I gotta start working my ass at swimming again to work that off. I'm gonna try and be better about updating, and being logged into gmail more so you guys can contact me and I can poke at you :)
I've got a lot of pictures to post here too so I'm gonna put each set of photos behind an LJ cut so I don't take up tons of room.
Like this one.
The Cacti down here are Huge, most of them are between one and two storeys tall. Way bigger then our little potted ones. So far the dog has yet to try and pee on one, but I'm just waiting, because I know it'll happen. There are also Mountains in the backround surrounding Tucson on almost all sides, they're very beautiful to look at, and my two photos don't do them any justice.
That is an 18-wheeler in the backround in case you couldn't tell.
This one was right next to the other, but only about half as tall.
Arizona has two different kind of geckos that live here. One is native and the other is not, but they're both super cute when you see them skittering around at night.
There is also a Floral place that we drive by fairly often (because it's close to the apartment) called Roses & More, it's got a beautiful mural on the side of the building. I don't know if the owners commissioned it, or if someone just painted it and the owners leave it there, but it's very nice.
The full sized one is at: On February 30th Maximus turned three years old, so I got him two little cans of wet food that he could pig out on. He was quite happy with this situation. I've been having quite a few issues with him since he got down here (most of which are on the mend now) so this was one of the really nice moments.
It's also nice that the Orange Table (a restaurant down here that I know the owner of) really likes Corgis and especially loves Maximus so whenever we go there we bring him and he chills on the patio with me. A lot of the people that come there also like to get in on the cute lovins from the puppy so he gets plenty of attention, which is probably why he likes it there so much.
This is us at OT, he's chilling on the nice cool patio stones showing me his 'tocks.
I finally ran out of contacts, and since we had to get new ones Shawn poked me into getting a backup pair of glasses too, since my old backup pair are no longer the proper perscription. Here are some pics of the glasses themselves and me in them.
Shawn also found out how much I like animals, and how long it'd been since I'd been to a zoo (at least a few years before I moved to Ottawa) and though the one in Tucson is small, and nothing on the Missouri one, he brought me to the zoo to take photos of all the animals. Well, I couldn't take pictures of all the animals since at that time I didn't have a memory card in my camera, but I got pictures none the less. Makes me happy that he did something he wasn't enthused about to make me happy.
These first two are of the panthers that were in one of the exhibits. In the big photo you can really see the markings in his fur, not so much in this littler version though.
I didn't manage to get very good photos of the Tigers, because it was a large exhibit and it was right before he got fed so he were pretty intent on the other end of the enclosure where the handler was putting together food.
This is a pair that was together, I love the mane on the lion, and the lioness was just lounging around most of the time we were there.
If I remember correctly this is the Sun bear (the other bear, the spectacled bear, had very long fur)
The polar bears we outside the water while we were there, one was absorbed in chewing on his ball, while the other was wandering. I also found it cute that in the second photo one of them is laying down froggy style like Maximus does.
I love how this photo came out, really clear and a good shot of his markings.
The elephants were right over at the side of the enclosure when we went by so I managed to get good shots of them, I think they just finished eating though (based on the hay on the male's forehead.
Shawn is a huge sweety, talking about how maybe we should get a house when we get my Visa so we can live up in Phoenix closer to everyone. Since we didn't get to be together for our one month aniversary he brought me out to Olive Garden (cause I've never been) on our two month, and made me a romantic dinner for three months. I'm kinda wondering what, if anything, he'll do for four months which is just next week. His Real Estate business is going good, him and his brother and parents just made an LLC for tax benefits. Things are really taking off for them, and once I get the visa I can start helping too.
Now what you've all been waiting for (who'm I kidding) When will I be back in Ottawa? It's looking like we're gonna visit mum for my birthday, so I'll be on Ottawa for a full day or so on either side of that. Right now I don't know where I'm staying, either with someone if someone volunteers, or at a Hotel if I get no volunteers. I'm looking at coming down on the 14th, staying until the morning of the 16th when we drive up to Ottawa, and probably driving back on the 23rd, so that night until the 25th maybe. That is what I'm hoping, but we'll see what we work out. The coming back is the maybe, we'll probably be flying in on the 14th.