My family usually doesn't leave me with much to be proud of but, this kind did. This is footage of my cousin Ryan is one of his first professional hockey fights.
You're probably thinking, "What the hell a hockey fight makes you proud?" So here is the connection as to why it does. I am the oldest of seven grandchildren and he is the youngest (8 years apart in age). We are also the ones that grew up as the "only child" and with three parents (Our mothers, grandma and grandpa). I know he has worked hard when comes to hockey. Other aspects of life he could have dealt with the challenge a little better but, no one really forced him too.
Also, I treated him like a little brother a lot of the time. All the torment an older sibling would give out, I totally dished upon him. Couple of examples where he suffered for not listening to me or actually listening to me are: hit in the head with a base ball bat, knocked over with a self propelled lawnmower, and shot in the head with a beebee gun. They sound brutal but, honestly there is a story behind every single one of them.
If you watch, notice that he actually only swings like 5 or 6 six times. Actually, the kid started to go down after the fourth swing but Ryan threw another one just to make sure. He did also tell us that the other kid never did touch him. So a weird thing to be proud of but, hopefully you understand. Also, you may have learned a little about me that you never knew.
P.S. Obviously, he is the guy in the white jersey throwing punches.
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