Mew - "Talk about your music and film tastes."

Aug 19, 2012 00:25

Music first
I'm not a very audio based person so generally if I listen to music (as opposed to watching something with a sound track) it'll be for a specific reason and therefore aim at meeting that.
For instance I might well listen to the Dragon CD on the way to an event.
Most of what I listen to is stuff you can sing along to (at least insde my head) and laugh, or it'll be in the background and I won't conciously hear it (like classical stuff when driving long distance) but will give variation to an otherwise somewhat hypnotic drive.
Monkey Bucket I listen to, classical (I do love the Planets at times), Jonathan Coulton, soundtracks to films I liked, Flanders and Swann.
I just don't listen to enough to give anything more general.

Films now.
Generally I like most films, but also generally I don't like romance and I don't like slapstick.
I do like films which thought has gone into, ones where there's more going on or are obviously done with attention.  I like good stories and good characters and usually something blowing up.
I hate Mr Bean but love Johnny English for instance.
One of my favourites to think about atm and I've only seen it once (I don't often re-watch things) is The Butterfly Effect which I caught wholly by accident.  I liked the concept, I thought they used it in an interesting way, none of the characters seemed like they were cut from paper and it got me thinking about things.
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