Any vets out there? Or expert dog owners?

Nov 15, 2010 23:15

I know, I know, I know but I am unemployed and would like to avoid a vet visit and I need advice.

I've got a dog who has skin allergies. She's a Lab/Chow mix so she has super thick fur (sleek on the outside, fluffy underneath) and that just complicates matters. I think her skin allergies are acting up the past few days. When I scratch her, she indicates that parts are itching very badly and she has been panting very loudly today. I don't have any Benedryl, which she has had before but I do have Chlor-Trimeton. I found online dosage info but it seems Chlor-Trimeto is riskier than Benedryl for dogs and I don't want to risk anything.

Anybody got any help? Until I know something for sure I will continue with non-drug treatment--scratches, brushing, oatmeal baths, etc.
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