I have read the packet for Interp, done the math problems and problem solver, and written an essay for Latin. I managed to make my essay about Alias. Come on, when the quote I'm starting from is: "Scire tuum nihil est, nisi te scire hoc sciat alter; your knowledge is nothing when no one else knows that you know it," how could I not? I used the example of how Sloane turns the fact that Jack and Sydney are double agents and that the Alliance wants his wife dead, and that by keeping a bunch of secrets he comes out on top. I think I disagreed with the quote quite well. This led to the following discussion with
Me: I wish I could write about TV for all my assignments
Her: that would make things easier
Her: or, well, harder I suppose, depending on the assignment o-o
Me: yeah, it'd make math pretty hard
Me: I'd probably start watching Numb3rs
Also, I want blueberry pie, and there is none, and I couldn't eat it if there was. Fortunately, I'm having Hot and Sour Soup for dinner, and it is the bestest food ever. On the down side, I still have to do the definitions for Interp and also the research for AP Bio.
ETA: New Criticism can suck it.