So you know how when you don't have all that much work, you just keep putting it off because, oh, I can do it later! It's not that much! Yeah.
In other news, I went to see Enchanted on Friday with Amanda and Caitlin. Caitlin and I were shocked, SHOCKED I tell you, when we actually got where we were going on the bus. We need Amanda at all times. Anyway, Enchanted was really really adorable. I liked it a lot. Then we sang Disney songs at the bus stop and thoroughly amused the other guy waiting with us. We got back as a bunch of people were half way through White Christmas in the lounge, which I had never seen because, you know, not so much for the Christmas movies, but it had amazing dancing and I kind of love it. We now have a vague plan for a Pajama Game/Pillow Talk double feature.
Yesterday six of us went to the Mall of America for the party at the Lush store, which was super fun. Once again we navigated public transportation effectively, so yay! We now also have vague plans for a Scrabble playing/reading/hot cocoa party some time, as well as a night where we all go to this really nice restaurant that's about five minutes away by bus and each get a slice of cake and then share, because apparently they have amazing cake. This one is the most likely to actually occur. Cake is awesome.
Anyway, the Lush party was totally great. I got a Grand Opening ballistic and am also in charge of selling Katy's via the internet. I won a Think Pink ballistic that I'm psyched for and bought a tiny bottle of American Cream, the Honey I Washed the Kids solid perfume (which is YUM!), and some Creamed Coconut and Almond Smoothie. We also got free facials, which were super fun.
In the rest of the mall, I got new lipstick that isn't so crazy dramatic and a tiny thing of mascara (because really, who needs a full sized mascara -- FUCK, I was going to get some of their tiny nail polishes! FAIL!), a tank top, some headbands, a really nice white 3/4 sleeved (well, it should be, but it really stops just after my elbows, whatever) button down style shirt, but it doesn't actually have buttons, it has hooks like on the back of a bra. It's weird, but I like it and it was 5 dollars. Other people got a lot of stuff too.
AND THEN we crossed the parking lot to IKEA, which is AMAZING. I had never been to one before but now I want an apartment just so I can furnish it. Maggie had a $85 gift card and wanted Christmas lights, so we got those and then I got a plate/bowl thing (for 59 cents!), some of this crazy Swedish toffee stuff that
sylvei got a few times when she went to IKEA that I really liked, and a few items for my actual house.
When we got back, we put up all of Maggie's crazy lights all over her room, which is now covered in three colors and two sizes of light up stars. Then we hung some Marti Gras kind of beads over the pipes in the hall and we have to move them because you can't have stuff on the pipes but we'll do that later. Then we saw that some other girls on the other side of the hall are having a decorating-off and have like, seven foot long red and white paper chains and a million paper snow flakes in one room and a 4 foot tall fake tree in the other room with lights and ornaments and everything. Then we felt outdone and went to go cut out snowflakes of our own and make paper chains and Amanda brought her origami paper so now there are all these awesome tiny snowflakes in really pretty colors on our door. Maybe I will post pictures.
Now I need to go actually get some work done. Stupid work.
ETA: I think my Coconut Almond Smoothie may have fallen when Katy's Lush bag broke. FUCK!
ETA II: It is possible I have found my music soul mate via iTunes file sharing but the person doesn't list his or her name, just a cryptic title, so I have no way of discovering who it is. The Beatles! The Barenaked Ladies! Backstreet Boys! The Beach Boys! And that is just the Bs!
ETA III: OH MY GOD! B*Witched! I loved C'est La Vie in 4th grade! I remember a guy tried to convince me that "I'll show you mine if you show me yours" was dirty and I was like, "Cha, her house with the windows and doors!" In retrospect, he was totally right.