I haven't slept since yesterday.
First off, this book broke my shippy heart (in good and bad ways): Hr/R squeee! Although thank god it wasn't as obvious as the H/G stuff -- I prefer my ships more subtle. I'm glad H/G broke up, but was all the swooping beast in Harry's stomach stuff necessary? Ew. Speaking of ew, TONKS/LUPIN?? THE FUCK?? I prefered Tonks-is-in-love-with-Sirius, or Tonks-has-been-replaced-by-a-Death-Eater. The second senario is much more interesting to me: Tonks suddenly looses her shape-shifting powers, her Patronus changes, and it's because… she's pining away for Lupin!? Bull. Shit. Lupin is right, he's too old and in love with Sirius for her. Man, I would have liked it better if they bonded over their love of Sirius. If anyone finds a fic like that, send it my way, okay? It just seemed so weird and random, like she had to pair everyone up. Oh, Bill and Fleur? Kind of cute. I like that everyone was wrong about Fleur.
The more I think about it, the more this book is a big set up for book 7. All the stuff DD taught Harry through the Pensieve… Voldie wasn't even IN this book, yo. That's important for next time.
Speaking of Dumbledore, I called him dying like two years ago. I said, Dumble's going to die in a battle at the end of book 6, because he can't be around for Harry's big fight with Lord Thingy in book 7. That doesn't mean I didn't cry. I can't tell what would make me madder, that Dumbledore set up for a stupid Redeemed!Draco plot in book 7, or that he wasted his dying words on that punk ass bitch. Speaking of Malfoy: "Harry tried every variation of 'I need to see what Draco Malfoy is doing inside you'…" (pg 458) made me laugh and laugh.
Everything about Snape in this book was awesome. I believed in him, I believed in Dumbledore. It never occured to me he would be the HBP; I assumed he was pureblood. I think the revelation of how many of the DEs are/were half-blood will be important.
I wish there had been more Neville, Bellatrix, Wormtail, Voldie and Luna in this book, but you can't have everything.