I finished a while ago, but then I slept. Here's what I thought. Spoilers, cha.
AWESOME. There were a lot of things that I thought would annoy me: Snape was always in love with Lily, Lupin and Tonks get married, the whole Harry/Ginny thing. (Notes: I'm a total Lupin/Sirius shipper and Lupin's relationship with Tonks felt very weird to me in HBP and I felt very firmly that Harry should have some alone time post war -- not that I thought it would happen.) However, aside from a tiny eyeroll at Snape's memories and some nodding when Lupin was being iffy about his relationship with Tonks, it was OK with me. The way she framed the Snape loves Lily thing worked really well for me, and fit in with his past motivation a way I don't think anything else would.
Also, I think the scene where Lupin and Tonks die was a little underwritten/I read to fast because I TOTALLY MISSED THAT THEY WERE DEAD. I didn't figure it out until Harry said something about their dead bodies 10 pages later. Also, FRED NOOOOO! I always said that the cruelest thing would be to kill off one twin and not the other. The twins really took the brunt of it for the Weasley family in this book, eh? My icon is now TRAGICALLY IRONIC. Speaking of the Weasleys, I think my love for Mrs. Weasley is solidified past any destruction. She rules. I kind of wanted Neville to take out Bella, but he got to be Herbology professor so it all works out.
I kind of didn't believe JKR when she said that this book would satisfy all our questions, but it pretty much did. I just want to make sure that Lavender Brown is OK, and so far I think that's my only loose end.
Now to check out the Potterdamerung for an hour before heading off to work! Yay.