WARNING:It's time for me to rant. This is my opinion, and my journal and if you don't agree with me, then don't read it. BEFORE I BEGIN, Just know this rant is NOT directed to anyone in particular, it's a general rant. This rant jumps around, so if it confuses you, whatever.If you leave me a nasty comment, It's gonna be deleted. If you agree then leave a comment. If you don't, I prolly wont give a fuck cuz I'm NOT changing my opinon.
I cannot tell you how fucking sick I am of going to a mall and 90% of the mall population is PUNK so to say. It really irks me when people deny shopping there, because I looked at stock of Hot Topic today, and it blew up in 2000 and spread to now. I've gone to Marley, Whitemarsh,Columbia and Arundal Mills, and that's all that there is. EVERYONE thinks they are special or unique-- I guess you are in a small form, but most of your style and actions bounce, mimic, are influanced and reflected from your peers. I hate it when people think they are bisexual because they makeout with the same sex. I don't have anything agenst bi, lesbian or gay people, but I'm sick of seeing girls say they are when they most definently aren't. I'm so god damn sick and tired of seeing kids run around screaming I'm so goth, I'm so depressed. Here's the solution. GET FUCKING HELP. Instead of fucking COMPLAINING, go TELL SOMEONE. JESUS CHRIST. People like you pollute society. It's NOT HARD to go tell your guidence councler, or talk to your friends about it. If you refuse to discuss or try and get help, you deserve to be depressed. What the FUCK is with this ridiculous Penguin obsession, and saying random words because you're "weird"??? EVERYONES WEIRD!! I just want to punch YOU in the FACE. There are fucking 800 people like you out there, so Just because maybe you wear too much eyeliner, enjoy BDSM or whips and chains and blood and shit DOESNT MAKE YOU WEIRD, IT'S YOUR PREFRENCE AND THAT DOESNT MAKE YOU SPECIAL BECAUSE OTHER PEOPLE LIKE IT TOO. There is one exception, there's this girl with an allergy to anything wth water in it, saliva, etc, and she's the only person in the world with that. That makes her unique. NOT YOU.
This will sound racist, but I really cannot stand when people accuse other people of hate crimes or sexism. Just because you are african american or gay does not mean i should have to treat you special. I will treat you like i treat anyone else- With respect and a kind heart. I will not support the fact that you need a month, or a parade to feel special and noticed. Get together in the privacy of your own home, like we do. Untill there's a national caucasion or straight month, then I wont be sure to take notice of your prefrence. If a white man kills a black man, its a hate crime. If it's the other way around, it's a murder. I read an article in Seventeen about a girl who tried to start a Caucasion club;but anyone could join; and she was called a Racist. That's bullshit. But like i said, I dont care if you're white, black, latino, Gay, Straight, Bi, Lesbian- you get treated with respect from me, even if i Dont agree. If you wanna have ur lil parades and months, go ahead, i just dont support it.that's it K, thx.Another thing i hate? extreamly political kids/ celebrities when they have no fuckin idea what they are talkin about. research BOTH sides of the fence before you make accusations or opinions. Enough with the ICP shit makes you hardcore too, I know TWO nice kids who like ICP. Most ICP kids I meet are terribly, terribly mean. Hangout with people who enjoy the same music you do, don't discriminate agenst other people just because they don't like your music. Hate them if they disrespect you. You ARENT as hardcore as you think.
fuckin lables.
PUNK was ruined, It died in the 80's and people are trying to bring it back. What the FUCK.
GOTH- Is a life style that started in France and early Rennisance, and it goes back further then that. It was a group of people like the Hungarians, and a style of architecture used in French Cathedrials. It's not being depressed or dark and moody.
WICCA- What i've heard,Is based upon a religion people used to practice, It's around the five elements, and a strong belief in spells to better yourself or somthing else.
EMO- Since when has it been a big deal to be emotional? seriously. Unless you cry over a piece of grass or a broken window, then you might need therepy.
You kids make me fucking sick. Honestly. I cant handle seeing half of you guys. Go to hell. Wait, earth is hell for me because I'm forced to communicate with half of you pieces of shit.
it's ridiculous.
In conclusion, Stop being depressed, Stop dressing like eachother and stop being so asshole to people who dont dress like you. JESUS. it makes people SICK.
fIrecRACKer4455: im so sick of maryland kids dude
shadowsoldier72: lol
fIrecRACKer4455: everyone at your mall
fIrecRACKer4455: everyone at harford
fIrecRACKer4455: everyone at marley
fIrecRACKer4455: is fucking PUNK ROCK
shadowsoldier72: wat
fIrecRACKer4455: im sick of every god damn goth, every punker, every hot topic kid
fIrecRACKer4455: its really getting old
fIrecRACKer4455: people are like IM SO UNIQUE
fIrecRACKer4455: everyone looks like them!
shadowsoldier72: im unique
fIrecRACKer4455: i cant stand everyone
fIrecRACKer4455: people scream they are unique
fIrecRACKer4455: no one is completely unique
fIrecRACKer4455: everyone influances and bounces offa eachother
fIrecRACKer4455: im so used to seeing all the hot topicers that i barely notice them
shadowsoldier72: there not that many
fIrecRACKer4455: haha RIGHT
fIrecRACKer4455: whitemarsh, marley and hareford are taken over by them
fIrecRACKer4455: not to menton arunda;
fIrecRACKer4455: *arundal
shadowsoldier72: harefrd i dunno kno about
fIrecRACKer4455: its so annoying
fIrecRACKer4455: ya wanna know the only good thing about hot topic?
shadowsoldier72: whitemrah lol yea ok 3 quartes of tjemall is rick kids and wiggeras
shadowsoldier72: up here all it is is rich kids
fIrecRACKer4455: my dad made an assload of money offa ther stock
shadowsoldier72: there a total of 2 goth guys in my school
fIrecRACKer4455: yeah who dress PUNK so to be called
fIrecRACKer4455: PUNK is dead
fIrecRACKer4455: no one knows where goth came from
fIrecRACKer4455: i can sit here and tell u where everything origionated
shadowsoldier72: thets here it
fIrecRACKer4455: goth isnt about being dark or depressed, Goth is a type of architecture
fIrecRACKer4455: that originated in france
fIrecRACKer4455: and the rennissance
fIrecRACKer4455: wiccan is about people who worship the five elements, they dont have one god
fIrecRACKer4455: its so fuckin gay
shadowsoldier72: yea ojk y r u goin by textbook defs for
fIrecRACKer4455: nah
fIrecRACKer4455: im goin by where all of it came from
fIrecRACKer4455: people have twisted into suicidal depression shit
fIrecRACKer4455: when Goth architecture and Wicca came from very happy spirited beginnings
shadowsoldier72: words change meanings through time
fIrecRACKer4455: by people who pollute society
fIrecRACKer4455: Religon and Style should stay true to roots
fIrecRACKer4455: and not be twisted for the worst
shadowsoldier72: well i hasnt
fIrecRACKer4455: people are an infection
fIrecRACKer4455: when has it become cool to be depressed
shadowsoldier72: so ur n ifection
fIrecRACKer4455: Depression is shared by 2 million people
fIrecRACKer4455: nah cuz I dont pollute society
fIrecRACKer4455: I'm educated
shadowsoldier72: so every 1 is but u
fIrecRACKer4455: instead of ignorant
fIrecRACKer4455: nah, there are people who know what im talkin about
fIrecRACKer4455: ad they choose not to be around people like those kids at the mall
shadowsoldier72: kool
fIrecRACKer4455: people take stuff and twist it
fIrecRACKer4455: its retarded
fIrecRACKer4455: if your depressed, get help, dont sit there and cry and cut yourself
shadowsoldier72: its human nature
fIrecRACKer4455: its not hard
shadowsoldier72: ?
fIrecRACKer4455: i hate people
shadowsoldier72: thax
wtf is that supposed to mean? i need to talk to smarter people.