Oct 18, 2006 16:06
What an interesting last couple of...months it has been.
Where to start.
Phoenix Cactus Comicon. How about there? In Mesa! Not Phoenix...
So a small group of us went. Had fun. Met people. Stayed in the hotel there. All in all a fun time. And as a group @utumn, Tawny, Steve (kind of, he came in at the end) and I went to a Major Metropolitan Comic Book Convention and totally kicked ass in a trivia contest. (mainly because we had this dude on our team that knew just about everything. Thanks dude!) Oh...One small thing...I had a ton of people take pictures of me because i was dressed as everyone's favorite not-so-bad ass zombie killer SHAUN! That's right from Shaun of the Dead. @utumn was rockin the Fuu costume on Sunday and had tons of people wanting to take pictures of her. People loved Steve's (Tawny made) Key Blade. And we sang karoke to a great ovation. That was an awesome con experience. By the by...taken from the web site's cosplay board-"Autumn as Fuu from Samurai Champloo won a Judge's Award" and "Patrick as Shaun from Shaun of the Dead won Masquerade Coordinator's Choice" So yeah. We rock.
Went to Winslow in my new car. Yep. New to me. 1975 AMC Pacer X. Think of the Wayne's World car but white. And with out the kickin' red vines dispenser. Didn't win because apparently "stock" car doesn't really mean "stock." Eh. Whatever. Got kind of sick. Rocked out with my tattoo armbands out as their DJ. Saw the Bare Bottom Boys play. All in all an ok time. And the Car made it all the way to Winslow and back. Oh, and we also stood on a corner.
Mid-term week. Suckiest week ever.
Week after Mid-term week. Stressed out week, because we have to wait for the grades. So far got a 101% on a test i was majorly freaked out about. Turned out the cramming the night before worked in my favor.
Picked up my Cap and Gown and invites to graduation. Yeah December 14 and 15! Yee-hah.
Last night went to the fair. Saw Jeff Foxworthy. That was fun. @utumn had Fried Coke. It was a glob on a stick that looked like it was leaking syrup. Tasted like Coke that was put into the Micro. Not the best fried thing ever. Also had one of our favorites-Pork Chop on a stick. Seriously. If you go to a fair you have to try one. Even the Dave I Know has had one.
Today got new tires and The Omen collection.
Oh...at the comicon I got some sort of booted collection of the entire Daria show. Everything, including the movies. So if anyone wants a Daria Marathon...it’s on. It’s on like Donkey Kong...
(like Donkey Kong?)
WTF?!? where do I pick up these things?
Anyway...that is all my Brotherhood of Mutants.
This is from the David Libertella Fan Club on Facebook-
These are David Libertella Facts-add your own!
David Libertella went through puberty the moment the doctor slapped him on the ass, the beard has been growing ever since.
When directing, David Libertella can channel the spirits of Woody Allen, Martin Scorsese and Quentin Tarantino. No, they’re not dead; he just likes to steal their souls.
David Libertella can grow his beard at will. As well as the beards of those around him.
Though it will never be publicly admitted for the sake of Hollywood, David Libertella’s Vision of Resevior Dogs has won every award possible. Ever.
The saying “By the Mighty Beard of Zeus!” was originally “By the Mighty Beard of Frickin’ Award-Winning Filmmaker David Libertella!”
David Libertella invented the Inflatable Shark