Title: Old Wives' Tales
Author: Evilawyer
Rating: PR-13(ish?)
Pairing: Jack/Ianto
Disclaimer: Torchwood and its characters are the property of the BBC and, perhaps, persons affiliated therewith. The drabble writer in tends on infringement of any copyright or trademark protected under US, international or common law, and she makes no money from this drabble.
Notes: 100 word drabble written for the prompt
superstition at
tw_dw_slashfest .
Entering the conference room, Ianto got a big shock. “Don't do that, sir!”
Lazing back in his chair, Jack --- naked,shameless as ever and his right hand fully occupied --- looked up. “That's just an old wives' tale, Ianto. I can do this all day and nothing's going to happen. No hair on my palms. My eyesight's going to be 20:20 when I'm done. It's all good.”
“No it isn't,” Ianto choked out as he turned his beet red face away from the sight in front of him.
“Sure it is.”
“Not if you finish yourself before you finish me.”