Came across this on my insomnia-driven amblings. No idea what it's called, although "TMI Meme" comes to mind. Anyone who wants to partake of it is welcome:
1. What did you have for dinner last night?
Last night. Hmmm. Last night would be Tuesday? Or Wednesday? No matter. I didn't eat dinner either night.
2. Have you ever wished you had a different last name?
No. It's the one thing my father ever willingly gave me (besides life, and I don't think he thought about that at all). Why would I want to change it?
3. Would you ever consider piercing your lip?
Fuck, no.
4. Have you ever cheated on a test in school?
No, although I did let a very nice-looking but conflicted boy cheat off of me in high school.
5. Something you used to love but have lost interest in?
Life. Hah! No. Well, yes, but not so wholly. Slight modification, there --- Photography. It's all so digital nowadays. Come to think of it, so is life.
6. If you're being extremely quiet, what does it mean?
I am experiencing an anger born of the pain of rejection. Either that, or I'm plotting some form of revenge. Because I've been rejected. I should, however, point out that those who see me on a daily basis claim that I never shut up.
7. Have you ever kissed someone and never saw them again?
Yes. Orrin was his name, and he had really soft lips. 30 years later and I still remember that. How sad is that?
8. Do you announce when you have to pee sometimes?
Almost always. When my mother was still alive, we (i.e. I) made up a little song to "There is nothing like a dame..." that went "Devo fare la pee-pee..." (Italian spelling uncertain). I still sing it when I have to go pee-pee. Remind me to tell you the whole story of why that's "our song" one day. For now, suffice it to say that the phrase "I gotta go pee" frequently crosses my lips.
9. Kids then marriage or marriage then kids?
No and no. Although, when the S.O. went through his first mid-life crisis, he did offer to get children on me, and neither of us considered marriage at that point.
10. Do you hang up on telemarketers?
11. If someone offered you $80,000 to marry them for a year, would you do it?
No. $80,000 in insufficient for such an arrangement (which presupposes there'd be no "physical relations"). The amount does matter. What? 22 years as a litigator left me able to whore with the best of them. I know this about myself, and it doesn't make me happy.
12. Have you ever been rock climbing?
13. Do you get depressed about things easily?
No. I don't get depressed. I am depressed. It's a long-term way of life, so much so that it's not really depression anymore. It's just a "downbeat attitude." Not as bad as it sounds, really. It can let you find a humor in things that you might not otherwise notice.
14. Are you a celebrity news junkie?
No. Would someone please tell me who Lindsay Lohan is? Or not. I really don't care.
15. Water - bottle or tap?
Tap usually, but only after it's filtered through a carbon filter. Bottle only when I have to buy it on the road.
16. Do you use a landline or cell more often?
17. Do you earn your living doing what you love, or do you earn your living in order to do what you love?
Earn my living? As opposed to robbing Peter to pay Paul? It's been so long since I actually did this that I can't possibly answer this question.
18. Do you love where you live?
Yes. Definitely.
19. Do you consider yourself religious? Spiritual? Neither?
20. Were you raised in a family that participated in a religious tradition?
Yes, in a very loose way (e.g. my mother was of the opinion that we all had an "in" as the Pope was, at least when I was young, Italian and that attitude sort of, rather shamefully and in unexpected ways, translated itself to me. We still "participated", though).
21. If you owned a restaurant, what kind of food would you serve?
Northern Italian.
22. Do you clean when you're upset?
23. A college calls you up and says that you have been selected to get any degree that you want on their dollar.... what do you choose?
Practically speaking at this time, gerontology. Pie-in-the-sky, sociology.
24. Which store, excluding a grocery store, do you shop at most often?
Probably Fry's Electronics. For the DVDs. Until recently, anyway.
25. If you were drafted into a war would you survive?
Yes, probably. Which is another thing I know about myself that doesn't make me happy, but what are ya gonna do?