WOOT HALLOWEEN!!!! This entry is for Lisa Mantchev's awesome comp over at www.theatre-illuminata.com and
http://lisamantchev.livejournal.com/ (warning, image heavy)
NB. This isn’t so much exact as something I can SO BADLY imagine Bertie wearing.
Quite frankly I have no excuse for how expensive this dress is, it’s just so pretty *-*. An alternative is just to wear a corset with the petticoat.
These are pretty darn easy to find, whether on ebay or just through google. The pictured I found here:
Again, expensive. But all the combat/ biker boots I own are from second hand stores. Also, ebay:
http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Gap-womens-black-leather-size-6-biker-type-boots_W0QQitemZ300360394026QQcmdZViewItemQQptZWomen_s_Shoes?hash=item45eedfe52a(actual pictured are from
http://www.clockworkcouture.com/?q=node/325 )
Cause I fail, I forgot to draw a necklace on my design *is shot*. HOWEVER, I’m going to bet that Bertie is a Steampunk fan, and where better to find all that stuff than Etsy!
http://www.etsy.com/Ebay is also good (I’m in love with Ebay)
Any accessories store, anywhere. You can rip ‘em yourself :P
Mine are from Claire’s (but I don’t know if thats just in the UK). Internet ordering probably isn’t worth it but:
This is by far my favourite part
There are some awesome badges on the shakespeare site and the internet in general, mine are from
http://www.globe-shop.com/item.asp?itemid=557, and
http://www.zazzle.co.uk/romeo_and_juliet_wouldnt_have_lasted_button-145339060997053125 (couldn’t resist)
the last I made myself *shocked gasps erupt from the astounded audience* Printer and a super-badge-it: works wonders.
There are two ways to go about this, dye and scissors (not such a good idea) or a wig, cosplay sites are awesome for wigs. Believe me these guys know their stuff:
Make-up: PURPLE AND BLUE GLITTER!!! It’s not hard to find, its mostly not expensive and it even looks awesome in the dark. Also black liner, black liner is FTW.
And to top it off, my personal favourite of the new Shakespeare mangas