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Jul 15, 2005 03:50

Well, it's 3:30am and I should have been in bed an hour ago. So, naturally, I am writing up a LJ entry! Wheeee!
Just a bunch of randoM things here, feel free to browse...

First off, there are too many damn mosquitoes around here! I have about 10 bites so far....seems like I get one or 5 every time I go outside for more than a few minutes -.- grrr.

You can preorder House from Amazon.com!!!!!!! Release date says August 30th! *Happy dance*

Along the same/similar note, I bought a copy of Dead Poet's Society. For a buck! Someone donated a crap load of movies, all in excellent condition, to the library! I got first dibs and bought 5. It was funny because I was just talking to a co-worker on the way to work about RSL (Robert Sean Leonard) who was in House and also in Dead Poets Society not more than 5 minutes before I walked into the building! *SOJ*
Gotta say wow! I remember a long time ago--maybe 10 years?--watching this movie because Robin Williams was in it, and thinking it was decent. And I remembered nothing about it (except for the bad thing that happens at the end, damn it!). Awesome movie. And RSL is only 20 in it 0.0 *drools and pounces at TV screen* I highly recommend it to anyone/everyone! I watched it with my Dad. I was originally gonna just show him this small clip with RSL in it (he really likes the guy) and we ended up watching half the movie. *huggles movie* But, because of House, he will forever be called Wilson in my family :P

And, speaking of House, I am actually doing *gasp* research */gasp* for a little/big House fic that you all might as well forget about because it is doubtfull that I will ever get it completed. I do plan to torture Wilson a bit *giggles and rubs hands together* and I am gonna try to make it slashy, probably with no help from my muses. They have taken several of my fics and de-slashed them. Annoying little buggers! Any-who, I have a full page of scribbled notes that I hope I won't lose. The information was surprisingly easy to track down on the internet! Now, to just make it vague enough so that I seem to know what I am talking about :) Stupid medical show. Why can't I just write several fluffy pieces with no knowledge of anything (Much) needed?? Why????

Ooh, this is turning into a nice looooong entry. I appologize for the lack of lj-cuttage, but it is 3:30 3:40am after all.

Looks like this will be all pretty much House related....maybe I should have mentioned that earlier?

The Co worker that I mentioned some time ago above, she doesn't watch TV, but she was familiar with Hugh Laurie from some other things he has done, so she placed me on the Hold's list for Jeeves' Arrival. Says it isn't that good, but the series gets better. *Bouncecs up and down* Hopefully within several weeks *less--crosses fingers* I will get it :D

The Loch by Steve Alten is an awesome book dealing with the Lochness Monster. Go read!!! Now!

I gotta show up at work an extra hour early tomorrow/today. The Aide is in training so I get to do the mail. Wheee :-/ Hope it isn't 90 degrees when I have to walk over to the Post office. A 10 minute round trip takes me only 5 minutes because I double time it. God I hate crossing the street with all the traffic. Half dead by the time I get back to the Library. I Got my new fan working up stairs, so I can go stand in front of it for a bit to cool off.

Oh crap, I am getting hyper and typing incredibly fast! And accurate! I don't wanna stop when I am in the typing "zone"....maybe not. Had to spell zone like 5 times :-/ *cries*

Guess I will just trip along to bed with like 5 other things needing to be done first *yawn*

I hope LJ doesn't eat my entry...
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