Title: Never Share a Bed With Dean Winchester Rating: R Fandom: Supernatural Pairing/Characters: Sam and Dean Summary: See title. Disclaimer: I don’t own the boys :( Word Count: 555
I applaud Dean for being so comfortable with himself, or however you wanna put that. But poor Sam. Yet somehow, maybe b/c I'm an older sibling, I sympathize more with Dean. Dean should be king of the bed.
Poor Sam, always forced to have to either share or sleep elsewhere. So John wouldn't have to listen to them bitching, he probably always sided with Dean.
Yeah, it can be mayhem if you don't stick to your guns and be consistent with siblings. I'd know, my two baby sisters can be really difficult if I don't squash whatever's going on quickly.
Loved this and felt for Sam. I've slept in the bathtub before but not exactly for the same reasons. There was horrific snoring involved sharing a bedroom with my parents and sister!!
I think a bathtub would make a really nice bed. If I go to another Leverage convention, we might upgrade rooms to the same type another friend got, and I have offered to sleep in the tub because there is one less bed. (That room was so much nicer than what we ended up with).
Comments 11
Best.Sentence.Ever. I just can't stop laughing about that |D
Poor Sam, always forced to have to either share or sleep elsewhere. So John wouldn't have to listen to them bitching, he probably always sided with Dean.
/babbling to stall finishing next mmom ficcy
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