Friday stuff

Nov 01, 2009 01:57

Right now, I am supposed to be writing on my NaNo novel. I am at a write-in at the Matrix. At almost 1200 words, so I figure I could break for a few and write this post I have been meaning to to.

I took Friday off from work to go see This is It.

Dad has been feeding this black and white rabbit (it looks like it used to be a house bunny), and the rabbit likes to hide under our cars. Well, it didn't want to get out from under my car so I could leave. I got some bread and tossed it off to the side, but the rabbit just came toward me, then detoured to grab some bread and take it back under the car. Oi. I didn't want to chase it because we are trying to tame it, but damn it, I wanted to get out of there! Finally I was able to get betwen the bunny and my car and shooed it off into the woods.

First Friday showing, and there weren't all that many there. Which was too bad.

I had expected to leave the movie feeling sad, but this was just on the pre-concert footage, no good byes or post death interviews. Going into the movie, I wasn't expecting to like it all that well, just thinking it was going to be a mish-mash of rehearsal footage. But, since it was really close to them getting ready to leave for the tour, a lot of the numbers and effects were complete. Got to see quite a few of my favorite songs of his and wow. That concert would have been amazing!

I loved getting to see him pick out the 10 dancers that would have been joining him on the stage, and everyone seemed to have a blast working for him.

I enjoyed seeing him in the 'cherry picker' and being told to hang on.

I was shocked to look at my watch and realize an hour and a half had already gone by. I kinda want to see it again, but I dunno. Might just save the money and buy it when it comes out (because if I go again, I will take Dad, and that would be 12 bucks right there if we don't get anything to eat--much better to use that plus another 10 or whatever to buy the DVD).

nanowrimo 2009, rabbit, movie review

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