on a separate note, FUCK SOUTH CAROLINA!!!

Aug 04, 2005 03:17

yeah, what the header says! so, me and magoo have been stuck in sc for 2 fuckin' days! monday, tamara took us to hardeeville, sc so we could start hitching and continue on our trip. we sat at the interstate and flew a sign. no luck, assholes would wave or shake their heads, the real fuckers were shouting and flipping us off. fuck them. a road cop came and asked what we were doing. we talked to him for awhile and he turned out to be really nice. he told us as long as we weren't hurting anybody we could hitch all we wanted. thanks, but, we were gonna do it regardless. we got rained out and chilled at a gas station for awhile. the ladies working there let us try to get a ride from there. they were so sweet. they even sold us cigarettes at a huge discount. that just warms my heart and fries my lungs. we got a ride to a huge truckstop after dark and chilled there trying to solicit rides for 2 hours until we got booted by the owners. we went up the road to a smaller truckstop and got permission from the clerks to solicit rides. they were very nice as well and didn't notice when i stole stuff everytime i walked in. every trucker there was either going south or staying there for the night, so we went and set up camp behind a dumpster. magoo crashed out and i went and called bunny on the payphone. it was really nice to talk to her. i finally caught a few hours of sleep around 4. we got up around 7 and started flying a sign on the interstate on ramp. after some hours, a really nice old guy picked us up. he gave us soda and cigarettes and told us how he smokes 5 packs a day, with 2 cigars, AND he dips constantly. he is the picture of perfect health for a man of 70ish, no joke. he gave us a ride 60 miles to a shitty town called walterboro, where we were not welcome anywhere. we flew a sign and got a negative response. we got kicked out of everywhere. the constant threat of being arrested hung over our heads all day. we even talked to a cop about city-wide traveller's aid so we could get outta town. he told us that he wasn't no charity and to get lost. we started making calls to get rides and finally, around midnight, madison came and picked us up. it took us 2 hours to get back to her house. i got here and called rabbit-face. i'm really sorry i upset you earlier on the phone, i was really stressed out. maybe we can talk later today or tomorrow. well that is the end of the story for now. stay tuned for next (hopefully) exciting installment.

p.s.-me and magoo are freightxedge!
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