A general question

Jul 17, 2012 21:48

Thanks to a recent wave of pernicious and wide-ranging curiosities, I find myself needing to ask if anyone on my flists are into podfics at all?

To be honest I hadn't paid much attention to the genre, since in my leisure hours, what I chiefly value is dead silence. But I do like reading things, and not long ago enjoyed an edifying exchange with another fic writer who mentioned they enjoy podfics because one, they're challenged with a reading disability, and two, they tend to feel a bit burnt out on reading at the end of their workday, but still enjoy unwinding with fanfic.

And y'know, it got me thinking. Currently I find myself in one of those writer blocks where I could actually hear the sound of my brain dragging in the shallows, like the noise of a metal canoe running aground on gravel. It's not actually as bad as some other types of blocks, but there's no use at all in hassling the situation, all one can do is wait it out. So I'm seeking other projects to busy myself and blow off steam with; there was the electrical alternator experiment project, there was some garment sewing, along with a brief rash of baking, then editing together a little promotional video for an acquaintance, and loading up the walls of my office with interesting new photographs ganked off tumblr, and I've got three pretty good books going.

Obviously the reason I can't write has something to do with how I can't bloody sit still more than ten minutes either, but that's fine, it's just a thing that happens sometimes, I'm done getting all stressed out over it. The point is, maybe making some podfics could be a fun new method of distraction, or outlet, or whatever. Which has led me to wondering if anyone I know around here has an interest in them.

Now this is the part where maybe a conversation ensues?

craigslist my brain, not fiction things, look ma no tequila

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