Fic: xxxHolic, DouWata

May 10, 2012 10:41

So. Uh. Well, then.

I don't actually understand what this is, except that ophelietta and I were talking about The Sonnets, and I mentioned 140 would make a cracking DouWata thing, and she basically said WRITE THAT. And something in my hinky writerblocked brain came unsprung, and the next thing I knew, I was WRITING THAT ( Read more... )

my perversity knows no end, xxxholic, fic, doumeki/watanuki

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Comments 3

ophelietta May 12 2012, 01:31:07 UTC
THIS IS MY NEW FAVOURITE THING. We talked about the anger in Sonnet 140, but not about the intimacy that gives shape to that anger, and that's necessary to be able to predict where things will fall along the well-worn, well-loved grooves and bizarre twists of a relationship. The sonnet reads like a set of chess maneuvers - don't do this, because then I'll do that, and if I do that, then you'll do this, and that element came through SO PERFECTLY how well Doumeki understands Watanuki's (infernal!) machinery, and loves him for it. Just the language that he uses when he thinks of Watanuki, oy. My heart.

ALSO THIS WAS HILARIOUS. All my own old holicfic that I've been wading through is deeply depressing, and this just felt so - exuberant and energetic and deeply funny, even in those moments of tragedy. I started c/p-ing my favourite parts, but I have too many. Their relationship is a table! Words Being Said! That non-joke about losing about an eye! All of their dialogue! ALL OF IT.


evil_whimsey May 12 2012, 19:38:03 UTC
Watanuki's Infernal Machinery is the greatest thing I've ever heard, hahahahahaha! So true, Watanuki is SO COMPLICATED. CAPSLOCK is how he feels ALL THE TIME. (except when it isn't)

And Doumeki Shizuka is possessed of an exceedingly dark sense of humor. Obviously I love him for that. He takes it as a given, that the universe is always coming from a place of screwing someone over, there is no calamity capable of surprising him in the slightest (except Watanuki on occasion). He might be a pessimist if he gave a rat's ass, but he really, really doesn't (until the moment he does, in which case there will be no mistake, everyone will know about it). If he has to get involved, if he has to actually get invested and carry out some action driven by that, it probably means something has happened for which there will be hell to pay, and he will be the collecting agent. BAMF!Doumeki, straightening out everybody's shit, look out ( ... )


ophelietta May 13 2012, 04:18:15 UTC
I love your Doumeki. This fic got me rereading Vol. 6 and Vol. 7 of holic, the first volumes I ever bought (and the ghost lady thing still makes me weep because OH GOD THAT SHIT IS SO HIMAWARI and prods me with its prodding tentacles of angst to write the Doumeki-shoots-Himawari story which I NEVER WANT TO WRITE), and when he realises the trade that Watanuki has made for his regained eyesight, I can see that passion and drive in Doumeki that you talk about. As much as Watanuki doesn't believe in lost causes, Doumeki doesn't either - not when it comes to Watanuki. It makes me think of this one line I used in another story, to describe the feelings of an original character, something about how his anger was controlled and focused, like the explosion that launches a rocket, "outrage converted into energy". Not a wasted motion. DOUMEKI IS SUCH AN EFFICIENT BAMF.

It wants big gestures, spitting rejoinders, and most of all it wants to sing with passionate attachment through and through.Oh my god, how is your meta as beautiful as your fic ( ... )


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