(no subject)

Apr 02, 2007 10:26

I had a good/bad weekend. Mostly good, I am pleased with it.

Friday: Lots of girl talk with Jess Spear, X, and Kristi. Denny's @ 3 in the morning (not drunk for once!) was ridiculously fun. Brought Tony our 'leftovers,' New found friend Tyler paid for everyone. (bad)I ate like a pig.

Saturday: Woke up to a Pualgrove initiated pants party in Kristi's bed. Decided that since it was nice out we would take the top off Josh's new Jeep and get sushi. It was not as warm as we had thought once we got on the road, but it was OK cause we took the most roundabout way to the sushi place in order to stay on 25mph roads and not freeze to death. First thing I consumed for the day was beer, always a good start. Josh and Paulsgrove ate raw quail eggs. Sam and Kristi almost vomited.

Got back home and Mom and Dad Yingling were there test driving Mom's new sweet ass ride.

Kristi, Travis and myself decided to take Wesley frolicking at Hashawha. Got a bottle of wine but kristi forgot the cups and the cork screw (duh) Had a lovely time walking around and being nature fags.

Went home to get ready for the limo extravaganza. Looked super cute. Went to band practice for a little bit. Made it to Kimmy's at about 9 to catch the limo. It was kick ass, all kinds of fiber optics and lots of alcohol and balloons and general funness. got to Fells, started a the Blarney Stone. Had a few drinks there and moved on to Maxes, which was def. my fave. spot of the night. They had TONS of beer and an awesome soundtrack going on. I forget the name of the last bar we went to, it was someone's name, I know that...

At some point I fell and busted the shit out of my ankle. It is a serious battle wound. It still hurts like shit and is pussing profusely. Lesson for the night: heels and cobblestone, plus my retarded ass, are not a good combination.

Went to BOP and headed home. The ride back was not as fabulous b/c my ankle hurt like shit and Mitch was being all drunk and stupid and kept attacking me. Hillary and Tony proceeded to do it on one end of the car, which was kind of disgusting/disturbing. But it was still mildly entertaining.

Got home, had some excessive drunken sex, and passed the hell out.

Sunday: was not esp. great. There were a bunch of people at my house and I was just totally not in the mood to be social so i holed up in my room all day. I was pretty annoyed cause all I wanted to do was sit on my couch and watch TV but there were like 6 boys having a Halo marathon. I fell asleep at about 10 but got woken up by Tony and Company at like 12 and pretty much did not sleep the rest of the night. They finally left when I began pounding on the floor and basically wigging out. I get extremely frustrated when I can not sleep and was crying and kept getting up to pee and stuff. So I had a horrible nights sleep and I am still pissed about it. I am going to have to lay down the law with people coming over. I esp. do not like people I don't know over at the house when I am sleeping. And my bedroom reeked of weed and it still smelled like weed this morning when I got up. People need to understand that I have to get up at the ass crack of dawn and they need to be considerate. Laying down of the law will occur when I get home.

So that was my weekend. I am now at work and have barely done anything since I got here cause I really have nothing to do. I would so love to go home and take a nap, but I will survive....

Back to pretending to work...
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