I seem to say the same thing every time I post at the moment.
So, now, after many weeks of intense activity - what with moving house and having stupidly large amounts of work to do (well, compared with my normal workload) today I have had to spread a total of maybe half an hours work over a full 7-hour day. At least tommorow I'm taking a half day with the last of my holiday so it shouldn't be too painful.
What's good though is that I've (re)started working on Dr Stu while I'm here. I can just about make it look like I'm working because I do sometimes have to do some typing. So, even though I know that no-one reading this actually cares, except possibly
fera_festiva and then as it's possibly changed quite a bit from the original idea as I've been writing it I'm not sure even she's going to be entirely excited by it. Oh dear.
The other thing that may make the eventual appearence of the Dr Stu stories a more likely experience is the immenant arrival of fera's computer, which hopefully this time will work. (After the last three orders got cancelled the one which did arrive, just before we moved, didn't switch on...) Having two computers rather than just the one which we have to squabble over will mean I actually have time in the evenings to write things like Stu, which are otherwise on the lower end of my list of priorities, as opposed to the lettering for Rock Night, for instance, or destroying my eyeballs by continually going on the rule 34 website hitting refresh on my friends page again and again.
Of course, there's still Phantom Hourglass to complete, so I wouldn't hold your breath.