Who gives a shit?

Sep 05, 2007 22:16

Ok so I’m putting off my homework, and in the spirit of old live journals I’m starting a list of things in the world that suck. They are as follows:

1.Barbara Streisand

2.When you bite into meat, especially burgers, and you get that occasional crunchy hard part

3.Standing in line

4.That paperclip/dog on Word that always asks you if you’re writing a letter

5.Frontal wedgies

6.When you cut someone off and they yell, but don’t give u the finger

7.Getting rocks stuck in your jellies

8.When you wait an hour for a page to load online only for it to say “page cannot be displayed”

9.The fact that Kelly’s covers perfectly delicious cheese fries with bacon bits

10.Overhearing your little brother tell his girlfriend he loves her

11.Having to check your oil…who the fuck remembers that?

12.When your parents flirt with each other especially in front of your friends

13.People who have half hour long Nextel conversations with the speaker blaring in a small space, such as a nail salon.

14.When your phone says you have no signal even though you are standing outside with the antenna up next to the fucking tower

15.When you order shrimp scampi at a restaurant and every so often it tastes the way nail polish remover smells
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