Yes yes, I finished. And hurrah for using elements creatively! Also, I think my writing style has changed. *ponders*
Spell It Out
Soup, a thumbtack, and a letter
It is snowing outside when they make it to Shishido's house that afternoon after school. After stomping snow off their sneakers and unwinding their scarves from their necks, they make their way, laughing about one thing or another, to the kitchen.
"And then Gakuto just says it," Shishido tells Ohtori, gasping for breath, "straight to Atobe's face. And you should have seen it! He looked so offended!" They laugh again, so hard that Shishido clutches his sides while Ohtori doubles over far enough that he has to sit down at the table.
"So," Shishido eventually manages, stifling another snicker. They grin but can't look at each other because they know if they do it'll just mean another minute spent laughing. "You hungry?"
"Yes," Ohtori says, and buries a last burst of amusement in his sleeve. When he looks up again, Shishido is pulling two cans of soup out of the cupboard, and a pot, and putting them on the stove to heat. His hair is barely contained in the stubbiest of ponytails, and bits have come loose to fall into his face. His cheeks are rosy and his eyes are bright, from laughter and from cold, and right now Ohtori almost wishes that winter could last forever.
While the soup warms on the stove, Shishido listens to the messages left on the answering machine and writes them down on a little slip of paper, and the dark strands of hair that were loose from his ponytail fall silkily forward against his face. Ohtori watches him, and fiddles idly with the lid of the thumbtack container on the table.
"Hey, pass the thumbtacks?" Shishido asks, and Ohtori does. Their fingers brush, and Shishido shivers. "Your hands are freezing, Choutarou," he says, and thumbtacks the slip of paper to the corkboard over the sink.
"Sorry," he says, but smothers a smile because Shishido isn't quite meeting his eyes anymore, and his cheeks are a little bit pinker than they were before.
When Shishido deems the soup hot enough, he serves it up into two bowls and puts them onto the table. He hands Ohtori a spoon, and their fingers brush again, but this time it is Ohtori who shivers and covers a blush, and Shishido who grins at him smugly.
Ohtori, embarrassed, looks down into his bowl and stirs the alphabet soup halfheartedly. A few English letters float up out of the broth, bumping against each other until they form S H I. Ohtori fishes around in the soup more, and it only takes a minute before he has the full S H I S H I D O S A N, swirling around and around and around.
When he glances over at Shishido's bowl, he is almost surprised to see the C H O U T A R O U floating there, before he realizes he shouldn't be, really.
They look at each other at the same time, and laugh.