Don't Panic

Jan 20, 2005 10:03

Some representatives from Starfleet came to the Vulcan Science Academy. They wished to have some experts go over some data they brought with them. Originally, they sought to exclude me from the meeting. They do not trust me completely - obviously, they are not all as stupid as they seem. However, since mine was the greatest expertise, required for a definitive answer, they brought me into the meeting eventually.
One of their planets is missing.
Or, to be more precise, a planet has been destroyed. Extensive sensor sweeps coupled with immigration and transport records confirm that, to the best of their knowledge, all residents of the planet were killed in the explosion; including
KY Jellico, former captain of the
USS Murgatroid.
The sensor data did not match any weapons or phenomena known to the Federation's investigators, so they came to the VSA to see if any connection could be found to link this attack to the renegade Janeway from my universe. Starfleet already suspected that she was after the Murgatroid for revenge; and since Jellico was one of the victims of this attack, she would have had a motive.
I was unable to establish Janeway's culpability for the attack, but I was able to determine that the planet's destruction was caused by an Imperial Annihilator-class "planet buster". If Janeway had an Annihilator, or if the
ISS Murgatroid had come into this universe with one, then I advised the Federation to place defenders near their most vital worlds immediately (Annihilators are large and slow, and quite vulnerable in ship-to-ship battles. In my universe, they were normally accompanied by a support fleet; but any such fleet in this universe would have already been noticed) and to place a high priority upon finding the Annihilator as soon as possible.
Not wanting to cause a panic, they decided to keep the news of the Annihilator, and its victims, secret; but to send a full "Eyes Only" report to all starship captains, and administrators of major starbases and worlds.
I pointedly inquired as to whether or not Vulcan, the planet upon which I was currently residing, qualified as a "vital world", and was assured that Vulcan would be as well defended as Earth itself. I assume that this is a good thing.
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