(no subject)

Jul 31, 2004 19:16

Physical Appearance

Height:: probably around 5'6 or 5'7

Hair color:: light brown

Eye color:: blue


Movie:: umm...i dunno actually, i like alot

Type of movie:: action

Book:: -.-

Type of book:: mysteries i guess

author:: the one that writes stuff

Type of music:: rock, soft rock, country

Color:: teal

Animal:: KOALA'S!!

Car:: hmmm...350 Z.

Element (Earth, Air, Fire, Water):: Fire.

Actor:: that guy on pirates of the carribean i guess...

Actress:: reese witherspoon

TV show:: umm...to many to name

Cartoon:: just about any anime


Are you dating someone right now?: no -.-

If yes, who?: -.-

If no, who do you wish you were dating?: lol

How many boyfriends/girlfriends have you had?: 2

Do you regret any of them?: not really

Do you have a crush?: umm..i like someone but its not a crush

If yes, who?: lol

Do you think they like you back?: yup


Who is your best friend?: Joel and Hollie

Who are your close friends?: joel and Hollie

Who do you tell your secrets to?: Hollie

Who do you wish you were friends with?: umm...iono

Who do you wish you weren't friends with?: iono

Which friend do you see the most? technically Hollie but shes my step sister so ill go with Jeff

Which friend do you not see enough?: John

Who do you miss?: iono


Do you have a large family?: O_O yes

Do you like your family?: most of the time

Do they ever get on your nerves?: who hasnt gotten on someones nerves before?

Who's your favorite family member?: lol hollie cuz shes more of a friend..brandon pisses me off

Do you have any pets? yup

What are their names? Jessie, Regal, Nala, Sally, Nemo, Boo

Do you wish you had more pets?: I WANT A FERRET

Your House

Do you live with your parents?: yes.

How many floors are in your house?: 1.

How many bedrooms are in it?: 4

How many bathrooms?: 3

Do you have a kitchen?: yes.

How many rooms total?: 15?

Where do you spend most of your time?: i get out as much as possible but if im there is wherever a computer is

Your Room

What color are your walls?: white

Your carpet?: green

What is on your dresser?: ummm...a final fantasy thingy...pencil...some gift cards?

Do you have stuffed animals in your room?: nope

Do you have a tv in your room?: yup

A radio?: yup

Is your computer in your room?: i wish :(

What color are your sheets?: yellow...but usually white lol, j/k theyre all kinds of colors

Your blanket/comforter?: white

How many blankets are on your bed?: umm...3?

How many pillows?: 2-3

Do you have bunkbeds?: one

Do you have...

A computer?: yes.

A gaming system?: yes.

Over 100 cds? nope

Over 100 games for your gaming system?: sadly...yes

recliner?: nope

Your own car?: fuck you...

Any hot pink article of clothing?: GOD YES..no

paintball gun?: i wish

A bedtime?: nope

A swimming pool?: yup

A lawnmower?: yup

Evil nighbors?: hmmm..hopefully not

Have u ever

Smoked?: nope

Drank alcohol?: yup

Gotten drunk?: yup

Gotten high?: nope

Stolen anything?: one time i stole this pack of gum from win dixie, i was 5

Cheated on a test?: .....yea..who hasnt?

Cheated on a person?: nope and wont ever cuz thats lame

Hurt someone (physically)?: yup

Hurt someone (emotionally)?: nope

Gotten in a fight?: i dont get mad to easily unless its my brother or my parents pissing me off :)

Won one or more of those fights?: O_O

Hated someone?: yup

Loved someone?: nope

Wished someone was dead?: umm...should ne1 think someones dead?

Killed someone?: O_O

Cried?: every1 has cried....

Had a nightmare?: lol yea, and it was kinda freaky O_O

Skipped a period?: yup

More random stuff

What kind of car do you drive?: fuck off..-.-

Do you like frogs?: well..i guess i dont hate them

Have you ever watched a lizard eat?: O_o? is it cool or something?

How many people have you hugged?: idk

how many people have you kissed?: idk

How long since you last cried?: um...i havent cried in a while really

Do you like yourself?: sometimes

Hate yourself?: sometimes

Describe yourself with a song title:: 'rest in pieces' by saliva

Do you want to get married?: yup

Do you want to have children?: yup

Do you want to live forever?: that would be lame

Do you want to move? To where?: dis is middiddippi but i love it hea

Do you want to take a trip? To where?: I'd love to go to places far away

Do you like online surveys?: sure

Do you think online surveys are fun when you're bored?: thats about the only time theyre fun
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