Nov 21, 2004 13:12

Where to begin, aww hell i dont know i think my last post was just befor i got me job at the hell hole known as Live Bridge. After about 2 years living with my dad in his tiny apartment, i moved out in to my best friend jessies garage. it was ok was alot better then livin in the apartment. After a couple of months i quit shell and got this horable job working at this hell hole known as Livebridge, at first it wasent so bad, i met this girl there in trainin named Dianna. so i was on the graveyard shift 12-10 witch was the most alsomest shift in the hole building, our job was to work for verison wireless with the holehell of porting numbers, taking a number from say AT&T and transfering it over to verison. So sitting there, doing mindless work for verizon wirelless, blarin pink floid, just sitting there slacking off the hole time, also did i mention that Dianna and i had the same shift? well we did so we were friends prity fast. so after about 3-4 months they killed the graveyard shift and stuck up all in the morning shifts on live calls, ( i hate live calls) it was ok for a while then the assholes started to pour in. so work became from torable to a hell hole in about a month. Still in that time i met some good friends and on of them named Sean got me in to the Rocky Horror Picture Show as a teck, he was Dr. Scott and Dianna was Trixy. Hole hell of a lot of fun there, stayed there for a term but becose of stupid work i had to quit. Wich was unfortunet becouse after about a year and 3 months working at Livebridge, i got canned. almost threw a party.
I forgot to mention after about 3 months there Di and i started dateing, yes you hurd right, dating. the best thing that has ever happend in my life that i have been griping about how it will never happen to me, happend, and i couldent be happyer.
so after about 2 weeks of been unemploied my bro offers me a job working at Shooters Emporium making and installing a realy realy good recoil system called a Soft touch in very expencave gunstocks. So after about 4 months there i disided to move in with Di, and here i am. Life is good
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