And by "That" I mean being able to guess what you might like and recommend it to you. I started watching Better off Ted and I love it. What a hilarious and all around awesome little show! All the characters are great (even if Veronica might be just a little greater than the others...) and there wasn't one episode in season 1 I didn't like. Favorite episodes: 'Racial Sensitivity', 'Get Happy' and 'Jabberwocky'. Can't wait to start with season 2. Speaking of, I took a look at the ratings and while it didn't surprise me how bad they were, I really don't see how they got a second season with those numbers. But I'm really happy there is one, that's the important thing.
There are several other things worth talking about, like
- Chuck's awesome "series finale"
- my third favorite episode of Community ever
- a strong episode of The Vampire Diaries
- or how Californication made it back onto my regular viewing schedule just to ruin it instantly with
Charlie killing a shit-throwing, horny monkey and a billionaire who erotic-asphyxiates himself, which everyone just laughs off, because they're stoned (Seriously show, thanks for killing all the progress...),
but I can't find the time right now.