That's right, a regular post about this week's episodes - wow!
The reason is simple, these episodes truly deserve it...
Chuck 3x09: What was the word again? AWESOME!
- Definitely one of the best episodes the show has ever had (Probably second so far behind 'vs. the Colonel')
- Loved Morgan more than I ever thought I could.
- BuyMore was funny and fit well into the main storyline.
- Jeffster!
- Nice how they managed to include Ellie's and Devon's vacation into the storyline. Didn't see that coming.
- Perfectly timed flash! (And yes, I didn't even mind that it came after the Love-realization)
- Interesting ending (even if I don't think at all that Casey is connected to the Ring itself, maybe to one of their agents.)
- Quotes: "Awesome is awesome, Grimes is a moron" and of course: "Did you just flash on duck Hunt" *lol*
Lost 6x07: Easily the best episode of the season so far.
- Fascinating how Michael Emerson is still able to out-perform hilmself
- Great flash-sideways-storyline. Loved the return of Arzt and his wish for a better parking space as well as the inclusion of substitute-Locke into Ben's storyline. And Roger, of course!
- Damn, Alex is pretty!
- On Island, Miles is the funniest character ever. Better lines than Sawyer ever had. The re-use of the "Bloody Knife" line was brilliant.
- And he got the Diamonds! :O Now bring back Nikki and Paolo!! :D
- Still not sure how I feel about Ilana, but her final scene with Ben was great.
- So, Richard IS from the Black Rock. Well, everyone had guessed, but nice confirmation.
- Beach Reunion! Yay!
- And Widmore... finally!
White Collar 1x14: Great way to end the season. So many things I loved.
- First, the heist was well-done, not too over-the-top and not depending (ok, not depending too much) on the stupidity of their 'opponents'
- Mossie was awesome, as always: Hated the plan, still went on to help and got through in the end.
- Damn, Alex is pretty! [2]
- I liked that she came back with the box because she cares for Neal and I'm happy that she survived and we'll (most likely) see her again.
- Fowler is a great villain.
- Good return for Diana (?! - Marsha Thomason's character). I didn't mind Lauren but they had nothing to do for her. Hopefully, they'll find something to do for Diana in S2.
- All those goodbyes, Neil made Elisabeth happy, Mossie and his wish for a postcard and of course Neal didn't want to say goodbye to Peter because he might be able to change his mind...
- Kaboom! :)