Yet another two weeks without a post lead to... wait for it... yet another show status.
Alright, let's do this one in order of weekdays.
Chuck: awesome. That said, I think the last episode was alright but not great although I think they did a good job introducing Bond-guy. Who I really hope doesn't turn out to be a bad guy. Last week's episode though ("vs the best friend"), which I had expected to be filler, was definitely one of the best of the season. Jeffster (!!!), the car fight, but especially the scene when Sarah (fantastic acting) and Casey thought that Chuck had blown up with the car.
House: Haven't seen the last two episodes yet. I will continue to watch, but just don't care much.
Heroes: Haven't seen this week's episode. I'm still watching, but after a slight hope that it might get better in volume four, I'm back to being mostly disappointed. My main problem (is that just me?!) is that I find most of the 'good guys' (especially Parkman and Claire) so annoying that I almost hope the bad guys catch or kill them all. Which we know ain't gonna happen. And even if they'd get "killed" we all know they wouldn't stay dead because no one ever does on this show. See, while I don't mind Daphne, what was the point of 'teasing us' with her 'death'?!
Reaper: Sorry folks, but that was lame. I would have expected a lot more 'punch' from a season opener after such a long hiatus. They got back into the Work Bench way too easy. Sam got back with Andi way too easy. But my main problem was the 'tough task' with the fourty (?!) souls, which *I* figured out immediately (and that's saying something). The good thing was the ending though. The soul seems to be an interesting recurring character and the storyline has some potential.
Fringe: on hiatus. Which is bad because it had a couple of good episodes before they took it off the air to (try to) show us some more morons singing.
Lost: Okay, I have to admit, that while I enjoyed the season so far, I didn't really get the praise for 5x06 and 5x07. They were alright but definitely no "best episode of Lost yet" material. Now, *this* week's episode might be a different story. Seriously, I loved every minute of it. Sawyer and Juliet (which I had never considered as a couple) were awesome together, Miles was funny, Daniel's moment with young Charlotte (if it was her, doesn't make sense with the timeline) touching and the insight on Dharma vs Hostiles were great. On top of that: "Mr. Eyeliner"! Of course we know after the ending that the quadrangle from hell is back, but that doesn't take the greatness from this episode.
Life: ...had one of the best episodes of the season last week. I mostly like season 2 so far and (still) don't get most of the complaints. I will be sad when it gets cancelled because it's simply the best crime procedural out there.
Supernatural: on (seemingly endless) hiatus.
Burn Notice: Haven't seen the finale yet. The season has been rather uneven imo but I liked last week's episode (you can't go wrong with actors from "Starship Troopers" *g*) so I'm hoping for a cool finale.
Dollhouse: After a really great episode two, the third one was back to... let's say uneven. There might have been some good moments but I was too distracted getting hit by a giant anvil every two minutes. "Grown in a lab" my ass. Since it's labeled (and even advertised) as a "Whedon show" it's probably not a good sign that his episodes weren't that good, while the one he didn't write brought the awesome. Well, we'll see - the potential is definitely still there.
Terminator SCC: I still think it's funny. No, definitely not the show. The fact that the show does horribly in the ratings and the producers just don't care. In a good way. They give us a totally depressing (and totally awesome) slow funeral/information gathering episode, followed by a crazy reality/dream-switch episode (I admit that I didn't see it coming) which also was *really* violent for an 8pm network show. So yeah, season 2 has been awesome so far and the only thing that makes me angry is that I've read that they apparently have gone for a season (make that series) ending cliffhanger.
Battlestar Galactica: I hoped the season's final episodes could keep up with the awesomeness of the mutiny-episodes. Then came 4x16 which was really bad. And stupid. And bad. Fortunately it seems to have been just a glitch because I really loved last week's ep. Especially the Kara/piano player(Daniel?) storyline. Just 4 more hours to go. :O