Save the best for last

Oct 07, 2007 12:53

The week had some strong episodes after all - coming from rather unlikely sources...

House 4x02: I just LOVED this episode. The whole "Survivor"-thing is totally over-the-top but it's just so damn entertaining (and something Greg House would certainly do). Mainly because the writers managed to come up with a bunch of truly interesting characters among the numbers. Which is kind of commendable when you think about the fact that some shows don't even manage to make their main characters interesting...
Liked almost all of them instantly: 13 (It's Olivia Wilde, so no big surprise here), 6/9, 26 (nice twist with him never having been to med-school), the plastic surgeon (this one could have easily be boring and cliched, but he was well written and acted) and the Mormon. The manipulating chick is a great idea, although I'm not sure if I want her to be on the team. And 'naming' the twins 15A and 15B *lol*
Chase had a good moment when he got the diagnosis right, could have done without the Cameron-scene at the end (and I usually don't dislike Cameron). Now, what's up with Ghost!Foreman?!

Californication 1x08: Great episode! (As you know) I like flashbacks and those were done very well. And I like the actor that played Hank's father ("Sal" on TBD). Charlie works better when he's just a sidekick and the chemistry between Hank and Karen is still amazing. Plus, it had Judy "Kitty" Greer.
With episodes like this, it might stay on my schedule even during the real season.

californication, house

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