
Dec 20, 2002 15:22

Last night was really fun, got to loosen up..and be with steph :)
I went with corey and jonathon, I was over there for awhile looking at piercing's ect..
we got there and danced but I found out Corey got sick, I felt sorry for him..and lost my way home..oh well It didn't matter because I got a drive home with kelley.
I'm happy thats x-mas break is finally here..finally a time to relax..no school work, I can even get BORED wow..that never happens anymore cause theres always a test..shouldn't be complaining though gr.11 seems they have a test everyday..Steph always has a test, almost 2 months in a few days for us ^_^
Trying to make a plan..I wanted to do something with nolan, but he's going to townsends..feels like alot of people are shunning me..or a certain group of people anyway, Why don't people confront me when they don't like something I do? Seriously people make mistakes..but It seems that people don't realize that or care anyway
Enough about that I want to be happy On this break...Well I'm going to go try and make a plan l8er
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