May 15, 2003 18:23
I'm SO happy! The other day I came home from school and Jon's crap was gone from the living room and the paper to get him off the lease was gone. YAY~! I called the leasing office to see if it got turned in. Yup, did. OMG that made my fucking day, make that year~! For some reason the 'ding dong the witch is dead' song ran through my head at the time lol. The only time I want to see him is when he pays me my money back. I've been sick of him since January and with good reason.
You have no idea how nice it is to come home to a clean house everyday now :o) and not have to worry about going to bed with the house clean and waking up to a disaster area. I swear, I have not met a bigger MOOCHING LOSER LYING SLACKERASS TWO-FACED BOOZER since Jason in Tampa. Those two would be perfect roomies for eachother. Jason was the first person I ever hated and now Jon's second. Pretty sad actually. For a second like around last yearish I actually thought he was a real true person. Then the longer I got to know him the more I realized he was only out for himself and his own profits using everyone around him. Living with him made me hate him even more. He's the biggest laziest slob. He'd leave fastfood crap, beer bottles, trash, etc all over the place for days on end "oh i'll clean it later" whatever....
I'm glad he is on his own now. Now he can fuck up his own bills and pay for it. The entire time he was here I had to constantly bug him for the bills so I could pay them before the due dates. His dad would send money but he'd spend it on fucking bullshit stuff like games, beer, cigs and crap for his pill snorting girlfriend. I'm sick of being used for money. It was like he didn't pay it on purpose cuz he knew I'd pay the bills cuz they're in my name and he wrote TWO BAD CHECKS for rent totaling over $900.
I feel really sorry for Monica. Wasting her young years on him. And especially cuz he took her virginity and he is her first boyfriend. He's slept with over 20 girls according to him tho I really don't see how that is possible. He's by no means 'hot'. He probably had to get them drunk first seeing as how that's all he does besides smoke and be a lazy slob. While they were/are going out he picked up a girl from the Wendy's drivethru, Max, and brought her over here 3 times and went to her house. He says nothing happend but we have pix of him and her sleeping together on the couch... YUCK. I mean come on. She's 17 and he is 23; they're lucky I didn't call the cops when they were fucking. That would have been great. She's prolly only a druggie cuz she needs to be fucked up to sleep with him and look him in the mouth er uh I mean face. Ok that was horrible, yet funny cuz I'm bitter and don't care.
he lies to his parents, to us, to his girlfriend and to anyone that is in hearing distance in order to get his way and manipulate people into doing/believing what he wants them to and expects no one to notice and not to be punished for his stupidity and drinks WAYYYYYY too much. Yah I'm hungry so I'll bitch more later.
Peace Out :oP