Aug 16, 2004 14:53
Well well. What did I do today? Not a lot.
I sat around and watched the Olympics for no apparent reason. My back feels slightly better, but I think that might not mean much, damnit. Well, I have to have an MIR scan on Thursday and the doctor wants me to go an see a specialist in Sydney - and WONDER OF WONDERS, my mother thinks it will be a great idea to DRIVE up there...she told me I could lie down in the back seat! In case she failed to notice, this is PRECISELY what fucked it up in the first place! So I told her if we couldn't fly up there I wan't going, because there is no way in hell I'm getting in a car for four hours straight again anytime soon. Anyway, show me the 16-year-old who can successfully extend themselves in the back seat of a Camira without bending in any spot that would make them uncomfortable. It's not a fucking limousine.
And my grandmother rang me and made me very angry by telling me that some rubbish she (or rather my uncle) found on the internet could cure me forever and ever. Some shit 'thermal heat treatment' that they apply with a very fine needle. Great. So if you warm up a syringe and shove it in my spine, I'll be fixed. She also told me in a very uppity manner that I would definitely be cured soon and never mind that a chiropractor who had actually EXAMINED me had given me a small chance of full recovery, because these 'experts' on the internet said that the whole thing is totally mendable. Well, you know, they might be right. Then again, I've never met or heard of these people, they've never seen me and they're just as likely to be con artists as anything else. But my grandmother could never possibly be wrong, could she?
Fucking hell.
Loggods, the photos from my party are up at the account. I'll get onto the Warrick ones tomorrow, at the new account for that. I had thought I'd done my party ones already but as you can see, I h'ain't.
Anyway, that's my complaining for the day. There are people in much worse situations than me, and I wouldn't want to be accused of being a moaner, would I?