Gilbert Plains Social

Nov 05, 2006 03:04

Alright, so...

Today I was told I was going to a social tonight (technically yesterday, and last night/this morning) with Bernie.

What fun. More drunks to deal with.

Anyways...So after a while, I learned that I would not be going with just Bernie. Brenda and Jasmine were coming as well.

Bernie, Bre, and I pooled our money together, and came up with $123.35

We'd picked up Jasmine about 15 minutes later.

blah blah blah, fast forward.

We get to Gilbert, arrive about 2.5 hours early, so, we drove around for a while, then back to Dauphin to drive around some more, and get Bre, Jaz, and Bernie some McDic's. After grabbing their grub, we headed off to go to Vermillion, where we stopped so they could eat. We drove through the trails for a bit, then headed back to Gilbert Plains.

We were still a bit early, so we drove around some more, then drove to Grand View, where we drove around some more THERE, then drove back to Gilbert Plains. We went into the Hall, got our stamps, taking into consideration that there was really no one there, we left to drive around, yet again.

Once we finally did get to be in the Hall when people were there, and it was livening up a bit more, we stayed for a little while, met up with Dustin and some other guys, who were already a tad drunk and high *cough*ERIC*cough*.
Us girls saw that my brother and his friend James couldn't get in, Jasmine and I laughed at their sorry asses ^_^.

blah blah blah fast forward.

Bernie and Bre each had two shots of vodka, thanks to Nathan for buying it for them.

Keep in mind, Jasmine and I were still sober.

blah blah blah fast forward.

We left Gilbert since it was extremely boring and a waste of money, and went back to Dauphin.

We drove around again, went to my house after having agreed on grabbing some booze and drinking at Cody's house. So, we did just that, having brought along some Disaronno, and Disaronno Amaretto, then realized it was slightly pointless to sit in a quiet apartment and drink less than a full cup of alcohol, and Brenda was hungry. We went to Gena's house, where we hung out and had a bit to drink with Bubba and Jamie, meaning Bernie had a can of Kokanee, and Brenda made a concoction of Kokanee and iced tea (which actually tastes not too bad, I found out), then left to drive around again. We drove around for about 20 minutes, I shared the concoction of Bre's with her, Bernie finished her beer, Jasmine was still sober.

We decided to end the night, so Jasmine drove herself home, then I was sort of forced to drive myself, Bernie, and Brenda to my house, even though I had protested due the my reasoning I couldn't really drive, as well, I didn't really want to drive since I had alcohol in my system. Bernie was like, "You're sober, you're driving." I replied with, "Well..more sober than you guys, anyway."

Luckily, I was able to drive us those couple blocks safely home, and no one got hurt. I fed the girls, as well as myself a bit, and now they're sleeping on the couches as I sit here typing this entry.

The only effect the alcohol had on me, that I was aware of at any rate, was it just made me very tired. I can still see straight, speak properly, I've not stumbled at all, I still make sense, and I am almost fully capable to type properly, considering my horrid typing skills. I'm just extremely tired, have a stomach ache and headache, so, I will bid you all farewell for now.

~Fallen Poet~
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