Is it so hard to walk a little dog to the drainage culvert?
I mean I love hanging out by the stinking dumpster, but I have important scents to check out.
I have a social life, cretins! I have friends, and we leave each other messages.
Oh, sorry, I didn't get Zippy's big party message......Why????
Because I'm peeing over in south bumfuck by the dumpster!!!! And being dragged back in the house!!!!
I swear its like the Hanoi Hilton here.
"Oh peaches you're just a little dog, you just do your stuff behind the dumpster!" Oh really? how about next time you try to take a magazine into the bathroom, i just replace it with a bag of wet sand. That is just as good, right?
And another thing, shitheels! I don't like having wet paws, yet every morning Capt Dingus drags me into the grass..........Fuck! What the hell is wrong with doing it on warm concrete????? Even that faggot of a poodle gets to pee in the culvert, but no! Not Peaches.
Here is a diagram to show the relative merits of walking me where I fucking say, and also of kissing my tail-hole.
Way to go, dicks.
Now that you have ruined "walkies," maybe you can find a way to make eating and sleeping no fun as well.
No love,