I Heart Texas

Apr 24, 2007 12:53

A few weeks ago, the Daily Sentinel, Nacogdoches' esteemed news source, published a letter to the editor that I wrote defending Planned Parenthood and lambasting those who protest the construction of it's newer, bigger building because PP is a "killing compound" - this, despite the fact that every time the PP is mentioned, reporters make sure to quickly add that this particular branch does NOT offer abortions on the premises. So this Sunday, they publish a response to my letter, which I will excerpt here. The letter is titled, "A Proud Conservative".

"Ms. Hennessey, you attempted to portray pro-life people as a bunch of ignorant
rednecks. Nothing could be further from the truth.

Unlike the liberals in this country, most people (especially here in the Bible
Belt) are pro-life and well-educated.

Before I get married, I would want my future wife to sign a pre-nuptial
agreement, which would include the following stipulation: If she had an abortion
during our marriage for any reason, not only do I have the right to kick her out,
but she would get nothing from me in the divorce settlement.

If she refuses to sign it, then I know she is not worth my time, because it would
be proof that she does not share my values. I am ultra-conservative, pro-life and
condemn a woman's alleged "right to choose".

Ms. Hennessey, I am very proud of all three of these views."

Oh, where to begin? With how his response just oozes misogyny? His assumption that any woman he married would be screwed if he kicked her out and cut her off, because obviously she wouldn't have her own career to fall back on? The idea that abortions are never performed for the best interest of the mother, due to health reasons, rape or incest? That I never, ever called pro-lifers rednecks or made any allusion to education levels? Seriously, all I did was talk about how the pro-choice movement cared about women, their families and their choices, and I said that anyone who tried to limit a person's natural human right to control what happens to their own body should be ashamed. All perfectly valid points, if you ask me.

I suppose I need to write a response. The opportunity to engage in public debate over an issue so near and dear to me can't be passed up.
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