May 18, 2004 17:15
Well...... Kevin's commuion was very intersesting.
Who's Paul??????????
::Wanting to make the adults to look away::
Tara- look a bug
Michelle- Lokkk a plane
::Uncle bob turns around::
Bad bootleg soda
Boxers or briefs "survey"
horrible backstreet boys music
Rock(green shirt)
bad band
4 parties at once
Paul's a lot cooler than Sebastian
psssssssssssssping war
tara: Green shirt!
Rack and mickey: tara stop
Tara:psssssssssssp green shirt
~Rock turns around~
~We laugh~
~pual walks by~
Mickey- tara do it now
tara- Sebastian
~Paul turns around~
Rack- that was paul
tara- she said it was Sebastian
Mickey- no i didnt
~Sabastian on cell phone we go pass couldnt get into car go back~
MIckey- Hey Sebastian
Sebashian- HEy
Rack you need to talk to Pal Mickey said hey to Sebastion
Mickey- Yes, but he only said hey back so the plan didnt work
George: Boxers
Kevin: Briefs
Scary dude- Boxers
joshy- boxers
Paul- Boxers
Oh man fun times! Rack now i think you should be like he Tom my cousin is coming from Jersey. You should come by and meet her. ::wink wink::