Apr 29, 2013 12:59
Hello LJ, how are you?
I had a bit of a mopey weekend. Awful behaviour, but it's what I seem to revert to when left to my own devices for a few days. James got back from his 3 day conference in Warsaw on Saturday though, so things are returning to normal. He can be useless at travelling and going out at times, so I was relieved when he only came back with a couple of bruises, a dented laptop, and a pair of ripped jeans (an altercation with some railings and the pavement - I don't think the free beer at the conference helped). At least it's better than the time he lost his passport in a Vietnamese airport...
This week I'm going to see Lopatin and Hecker at the Southbank Centre tomorrow, and Death Grips at the Forum on Thursday. I'm looking forward to gigs a lot more now that I'm trying to see things that are a bit different. I'm increasingly bored of seeing the traditional men with guitars set-up, especially after seeing some particularly bad examples recently (Maybeshewill I am looking at you).
Tonight I have an appointment with the dentist, after going for a check-up for the first time in *many* years. I'm so relieved that the only work needed is a replacement filling, it's a lucky escape. I'm still having disturbing dreams about it though!
Anyone do anything fun at the weekend? Even if you didn't you should make something up (preferably a story with dinosaurs in it).