Local tourism: Hoover tower (Stanford)

Apr 04, 2012 21:57

Before today, I didn't know much about Herbert Hoover. I had heard him compared barely-favorably to former president George Bush, but didn't give him much thought until today.

Apparently, Hoover was a member of the first class to attend Stanford, where he studied to become a mining engineer. His career took him all around the world, where he gained reknown as the organizer of famine relief in Belgium (& Europe) during WWI.

After his presidency, he moved his papers back to Stanford, where a research institute, complete with the 14-story Hoover Tower, was built.

I've been doing a ton of work at the Stanford campus, but only recently found myself in the vicinity of the Hoover Tower. So I knew I had to go for a tour. The ride to the top is $2. I didn't have any cash (D'OH!), but the guard was really really nice & let me go in. The view was awesome! It was a clear day & I could see for miles, though it was also quite windy & cold. Stanford has a lovely campus.

After the sightseeing, I rambled through the small gallery, which had one room for Mrs Hoover & one for Mr Hoover. Mrs Hoover was also a Stanford graduate (geology) & proponent of women's education & Girl Scouting. She seems to have been an admirable person - I'd love to have met her. The Hoovers amassed a collection of Belgian lace (produced during WW1 to employ the starving Belgians & raise funds), Chinese vases & silver from South America (from a goodwill tour). There's also a 15th century (IIRC) tapestry from Belgium.

Anyhow, if you're on the Stanford campus, check it out.

local tourism

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